Sonny James
Don't Keep Me Hangin' On

Don't keep me hangin' on

Let me go, let me go, let me go

If your love is through, if your love is gone

Gon't keep me hangin' on

I'm a big fool to love you

When you treat me like I'm your clown

It's easy to see that you don't love me

You just want me hangin' around

Don't keep me hangin' on

Times when I say, I'm leaving you

Keep begging me to stay

When I try to go, you put on a show

Somehow I can't get away

Don't keep me hangin' on

Don't keep me hangin' on

Don't keep me hangin' on

Mirror lyrics:

Don't keep me hangin' on

Don't keep me hangin' on

Don't keep me hangin' on

Somehow I can't get away

When I try to go, you put on a show

Keep begging me to stay

Times when I say, I'm leaving you

Don't keep me hangin' on

You just want me hangin' around

It's easy to see that you don't love me

When you treat me like I'm your clown

I'm a big fool to love you

Gon't keep me hangin' on

If your love is through, if your love is gone

Let me go, let me go, let me go

Don't keep me hangin' on

Relevant Tags:
DDon't KKeep MMe HHangin' OOn on't eep e angin' n oDn't eKep eM aHngin' nO xon't leep je jangin' kn xDon't lKeep jMe jHangin' kOn Dxon't Kleep Mje Hjangin' Okn
eon't oeep ke uangin' 9n eDon't oKeep kMe uHangin' 9On Deon't Koeep Mke Huangin' O9n fon't meep ne nangin' 0n fDon't mKeep nMe nHangin' 0On Dfon't Kmeep Mne Hnangin' O0n
ron't jeep Mee bangin' ln rDon't jKeep M bHangin' lOn Dron't Kjeep Me Hbangin' Oln con't ieep Ms gangin' in cDon't iKeep Mse gHangin' iOn Dcon't Kieep Mes Hgangin' Oin
son't Keeep M3 yangin' Onn sDon't Kep M3e yHangin' O Dson't Keep Me3 Hyangin' On Doon't Ksep Mf Haangin' Om Dn't Kseep Mfe Hngin' Omn Dno't Kesep Mef Hnagin' Onm
Dkn't K3ep Mr Hzngin' Oh Dkon't K3eep Mre Hzangin' Ohn Dokn't Ke3ep Mer Hazngin' Onh D9n't Kfep M4 Hqngin' Oj D9on't Kfeep M4e Hqangin' Ojn Do9n't Kefep Me4 Haqngin' Onj
D0n't Krep Md Hsngin' Ob D0on't Kreep Mde Hsangin' Obn Do0n't Kerep Med Hasngin' Onb Dln't K4ep Mw Hwngin' Dlon't K4eep Mwe Hwangin' Doln't Ke4ep Mew Hawngin'
Din't Kdep Hxngin' Dion't Kdeep Hxangin' Doin't Kedep Haxngin' Donn't Kwep Hanngin' Do't Kweep Hagin' Do'nt Kewep Hagnin'
Dom't Hamgin' Domn't Hamngin' Donm't Kepe Hanmgin' Doh't Kesp Hahgin' Dohn't Hahngin' Donh't Keesp Hanhgin'
Doj't Ke3p Hajgin' Dojn't Hajngin' Donj't Kee3p Hanjgin' Dob't Kefp Habgin' Dobn't Habngin' Donb't Keefp Hanbgin'
Don''t Kerp Hanggin' Dont Hanin' Dont' Keerp Hanign'

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