Something For Kate
Glass Timing

somebody make my mind up for me
decisions will only put me to sleep
and in my sleep more decisions come to me
and i'll never be free
i'll never be where i want to be (x2)
you never forget (x2)
but you'll never have it back
you should have thought of that (x2)
how can i think when everything's in front of me
i've got so much in front of me
how can i think when everything's in front of me
i've got so much in front of me
but everything i want is history
everything i want is history
it's just bad timing (x2)
somebody make my mind up for me
decisions will only put me to sleep
and in my sleep she'll just smile at me
and i'll never be
i'll never be
i'll never be where i want to be (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

i'll never be where i want to be (x4)
i'll never be
and i'll never be
and in my sleep she'll just smile at me
decisions will only put me to sleep
somebody make my mind up for me
it's just bad timing (x2)
everything i want is history
but everything i want is history
i've got so much in front of me
how can i think when everything's in front of me
i've got so much in front of me
how can i think when everything's in front of me
you should have thought of that (x2)
but you'll never have it back
you never forget (x2)
i'll never be where i want to be (x2)
and i'll never be free
and in my sleep more decisions come to me
decisions will only put me to sleep
somebody make my mind up for me

Relevant Tags:
GGlass TTiming lass iming lGass iTming hlass fiming hGlass fTiming Ghlass Tfiming ylass 5iming yGlass 5Timing Gylass T5iming
blass himing bGlass hTiming Gblass Thiming vlass yiming vGlass yTiming Gvlass Tyiming flass 6iming fGlass 6Timing Gflass T6iming
tlass giming tGlass gTiming Gtlass Tgiming Gllass riming Gass rTiming Galss Triming Gkass Tiiming Gklass Tming Glkass Tmiing
Goass Tjming Golass Tjiming Gloass Tijming Gpass T9ming Gplass T9iming Glpass Ti9ming Glaass Tlming Glss Tliming Glsas Tilming
Glzss Toming Glzass Toiming Glazss Tioming Glqss Tkming Glqass Tkiming Glaqss Tikming Glsss T8ming Glsass T8iming Glasss Ti8ming
Glwss Tuming Glwass Tuiming Glawss Tiuming Glxss Timming Glxass Tiing Glaxss Tiimng Tijing Glas Glass Timjing
Glazs Tiking Glaszs Timking

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