Soul Decision
Only In My Mind

I want to know you
But your personality and mind
Are not the things I want to try
And I cannot control you
'Cause no matter how I try
Our conversations aren't defined
And I say
How does it feel?
When you know that I am watching?
How does it feel?
When you know that I am there?
Why do you think you can hide from your mistakes?
Whatever babe, whatever baby
I will see your face again
I followed you a lifetime baby
You could never hide from me
I close my eyes and fantasize
About you right in front of me
And when I'm satisfied
I wake up and realize
That everything you've done to me
Was only in my mind
You are the one to make me better
You are the one who will never change
Sometimes I think you've read my letters
Maybe you already know my name
I want to see you
Not the fragments in my mind or the pages where you lie
Well I want to feel you
In every corner of my bed I sleep with you beneath my head
How does it feel?
When you know that I am watching?
How does it feel?
When you know that I am there?
Why do you think you can hide from your mistakes?
Whatever babe, whatever baby
I will see your face again
I followed you a lifetime baby
You could never hide from me
I close my eyes and fantasize
About you right in front of me
And when I find I am satisfied
I wake up and realize
That everything you've done to me
Was only in my mind

Mirror lyrics:

Was only in my mind
That everything you've done to me
I wake up and realize
And when I find I am satisfied
About you right in front of me
I close my eyes and fantasize
You could never hide from me
I followed you a lifetime baby
I will see your face again
Whatever babe, whatever baby
Why do you think you can hide from your mistakes?
When you know that I am there?
How does it feel?
When you know that I am watching?
How does it feel?
In every corner of my bed I sleep with you beneath my head
Well I want to feel you
Not the fragments in my mind or the pages where you lie
I want to see you
Maybe you already know my name
Sometimes I think you've read my letters
You are the one who will never change
You are the one to make me better
Was only in my mind
That everything you've done to me
I wake up and realize
And when I'm satisfied
About you right in front of me
I close my eyes and fantasize
You could never hide from me
I followed you a lifetime baby
I will see your face again
Whatever babe, whatever baby
Why do you think you can hide from your mistakes?
When you know that I am there?
How does it feel?
When you know that I am watching?
How does it feel?
And I say
Our conversations aren't defined
'Cause no matter how I try
And I cannot control you
Are not the things I want to try
But your personality and mind
I want to know you

Relevant Tags:
OOnly IIn MMy MMind nly n y ind nOly nI yM iMnd knly jn jy jind kOnly jIn jMy jMind Oknly Ijn Mjy Mjind 9nly 9n ky kind
9Only 9In kMy kMind O9nly I9n Mky Mkind 0nly ln ny nind 0Only lIn nMy nMind O0nly Iln Mny Mnind lnly on Myy Miind lOnly oIn M Mnd
Olnly Ion My Mnid inly kn Mg Mjnd iOnly kIn Mgy Oinly Ikn Myg Mijnd Onnly 8n Mh M9nd Oly 8In Mhy M9ind Olny I8n Myh Mi9nd
Omly un M6 Mlnd Omnly uIn M6y Mlind Onmly Iun My6 Milnd Ohly Inn Mu Mond Ohnly I Muy Moind Onhly In Myu Miond Ojly Im M7 Mknd
Ojnly Imn M7y Onjly Inm My7 Miknd Obly Ih Mj M8nd Obnly Ihn M8ind Onbly Inh Myj Mi8nd Onlly Ij Mt Mund Ony Mty Muind

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