Soul Asylum
Long Way Home

You've got eyes but they can't see
What's inside a tv and they never look at me
You won't know and you're never claim to show
That special feeling inside
Oh how time flies when its got nowhere to go
Up to the skies and it only goes to show
I've waited here for you a long, long time
I think i'd better go
Long way home (x4)
So now you studied the changes
Have you lost your way
Through all the strangeness
And you got no more to say
Long way home (x8)

Mirror lyrics:

Long way home (x8)
And you got no more to say
Through all the strangeness
Have you lost your way
So now you studied the changes
Long way home (x4)
I think i'd better go
I've waited here for you a long, long time
Up to the skies and it only goes to show
Oh how time flies when its got nowhere to go
That special feeling inside
You won't know and you're never claim to show
What's inside a tv and they never look at me
You've got eyes but they can't see

Relevant Tags:
LLong WWay HHome ong ay ome oLng aWy oHme kong aay jome kLong aWay jHome Lkong Waay Hjome oong 3ay uome oLong 3Way uHome Loong W3ay Huome
pong day nome pLong dWay nHome Lpong Wday Hnome eay bome Lng eWay bHome Lnog Weay Hbome Lkng say gome sWay gHome Lokng Wsay Hgome
L9ng 2ay yome L9ong 2Way yHome Lo9ng W2ay Hyome L0ng qay Hoome L0ong qWay Hme Lo0ng Wqay Hmoe Llng Hkme Llong Wy Hkome Lolng Wya Hokme
Ling Wzy H9me Liong Wzay H9ome Loing Wazy Ho9me Lonng Wqy H0me Log H0ome Logn Waqy Ho0me Lomg Wsy Hlme Lomng Hlome Lonmg Wasy Holme
Lohg Wwy Hime

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