Soul Asylum
Nothing To Write Home About

Dear mother, what can I say?
It's been so long since I went away
And yes, I miss the comforts of home
But I guess I'm better off on my own
No one told me people could be so cruel
Nobody told me about any of this in school
Still nobody understands the things that I don't understand
I've nothing to write home about
Nothing I have figured out
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing to write home about
Dear John, that ain't my name!
I'm just hangin' 'round to take the blame
I'm filled with guilt, I'm filled with shame
Too much or not enough it's all the same
And no one wants to talk about the loss
No one wants to talk about the cost
Every one just looks away, just like any other day
I've nothing to write home about
Nothing I have figured out
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing to write home about
Who can teach me how to change my ways
Who will come and save the day
Who will tell me what to say
When there's nothing left to say
Nobody told me about any of this in school
No one told me I'd be taken for a fool
And everyone just looks away, and tries to make it through the day
I've nothing to write home about
Nothing I have figured out
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing to write home about

Mirror lyrics:

Nothing to write home about
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing I have figured out
I've nothing to write home about
And everyone just looks away, and tries to make it through the day
No one told me I'd be taken for a fool
Nobody told me about any of this in school
When there's nothing left to say
Who will tell me what to say
Who will come and save the day
Who can teach me how to change my ways
Nothing to write home about
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing I have figured out
I've nothing to write home about
Every one just looks away, just like any other day
No one wants to talk about the cost
And no one wants to talk about the loss
Too much or not enough it's all the same
I'm filled with guilt, I'm filled with shame
I'm just hangin' 'round to take the blame
Dear John, that ain't my name!
Nothing to write home about
Still I have the same old doubts
Nothing I have figured out
I've nothing to write home about
Still nobody understands the things that I don't understand
Nobody told me about any of this in school
No one told me people could be so cruel
But I guess I'm better off on my own
And yes, I miss the comforts of home
It's been so long since I went away
Dear mother, what can I say?

Relevant Tags:
NNothing TTo WWrite HHome AAbout othing o rite ome bout oNthing oT rWite oHme bAout mothing fo arite jome zbout mNothing fTo aWrite jHome zAbout
Nmothing Tfo Warite Hjome Azbout hothing 5o 3rite uome qbout hNothing 5To 3Write uHome qAbout Nhothing T5o W3rite Huome Aqbout jothing ho drite nome sbout
jNothing hTo dWrite nHome sAbout Njothing Tho Wdrite Hnome Asbout bothing yo erite bome wbout bNothing yTo eWrite bHome wAbout Nbothing Tyo Werite Hbome Awbout
Noothing 6o srite gome xbout Nthing 6To sWrite gHome xAbout Ntohing T6o Wsrite Hgome Axbout Nkthing go 2rite yome Abbout Nkothing gTo 2Write yHome Aout
Nokthing Tgo W2rite Hyome Aobut N9thing ro qrite Hoome Avout N9othing rTo qWrite Hme Avbout No9thing Tro Wqrite Hmoe Abvout N0thing Too Wrrite Hkme Agout
N0othing T Wite Hkome Agbout No0thing To Wirte Hokme Abgout Nlthing Tk Wdite H9me Anout Nlothing Tko H9ome Anbout Nolthing Tok Wrdite Ho9me Abnout
Nithing T9 W4ite H0me Ahout Niothing T9o W4rite H0ome Ahbout Noithing To9 Wr4ite Ho0me Abhout Notthing T0 Wgite Hlme Aboout Nohing T0o Wgrite Hlome Abut
Nohting To0 Wrgite Holme Abuot Nofhing Tl Wtite Hime Abkut Nofthing Tlo Wtrite Hiome Abkout Notfhing Tol Wrtite Hoime Abokut No5hing Ti W5ite Homme Ab9ut
No5thing Tio W5rite Hoe Ab9out Not5hing Toi Wr5ite Hoem Abo9ut Nohhing Wfite Hoje Ab0ut Nohthing Wfrite Hojme Ab0out Nothhing Wrfite Homje Abo0ut
Noyhing Weite Hoke Ablut Noything Ablout Notyhing Wreite Homke Abolut No6hing Wriite Hone Abiut No6thing Wrte Honme Abiout
Not6hing Wrtie Homne Aboiut Noghing Wrjte Homee Abouut Nogthing Wrjite Hom Abot Notghing Wrijte Home Abotu Norhing Wr9te Homs Aboht
Northing Wr9ite Homse Abohut Notrhing Wri9te Homes Abouht Wrlte Hom3 Abo7t Noting Wrlite Hom3e Abo7ut Notihng Wrilte Home3 Abou7t
Notjing Wrote Homf Abokt Notjhing Wroite Homfe Nothjing Wriote Homef Aboukt Notuing Wrkte Homr Aboit Notuhing Wrkite Homre

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