Smokie Norful
He's Gonna Come Through

Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry
The God we serve is gonna come through
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
And for you there's a plan

You have cried long enough, time to dance now
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
He's gonna to come through

It really doesn't matter how bad you feel
He's gonna come through
The promises of God, I know that they are real
He's gonna come through

Hold on my brother, my sister
Help is on the way
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way, hey

Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry
The God we serve is gonna come through
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
And for you there's a plan

You have cried long enough, time to dance now
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
He's gonna to come through

Just receive it, the Darlin' is comin'
He's gonna come through
Hey, your joy is comin' in the mornin'
He's gonna come through

Hey, I believe that God is gonna do it
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry
The God we serve is gonna come through
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
And for you there's a plan

You have cried long enough, time to dance now
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
He's gonna come through

It really doesn't matter how He's going to defeat them
He's gonna come through
Our living testimony that my God's promises are real
He's gonna come through

Hold on my brothers, my sister
Help is on the way
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

He's gonna come through
Yeah, I know that it seems hard right now
He's gonna come through
But if you hold on help is in the way

He's gonna come through
Yes He will now, yes He will now, yes He will
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
He's gonna come through, He's gonna come through

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it
He's gonna come through

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it
He's gonna come through

God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way

I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way
I know God's gonna make a way
He's gonna come through

Mirror lyrics:

He's gonna come through
I know God's gonna make a way
I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

He's gonna come through
God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

He's gonna come through
God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

He's gonna come through, He's gonna come through
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it
God's gonna do it, God's gonna do it

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
Yes He will now, yes He will now, yes He will
He's gonna come through

But if you hold on help is in the way
He's gonna come through
Yeah, I know that it seems hard right now
He's gonna come through

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
Help is on the way
Hold on my brothers, my sister

He's gonna come through
Our living testimony that my God's promises are real
He's gonna come through
It really doesn't matter how He's going to defeat them

He's gonna come through
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
You have cried long enough, time to dance now

And for you there's a plan
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
The God we serve is gonna come through
Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry

I know God's gonna make a way
I don't care how dark the day
Hey, I believe that God is gonna do it

He's gonna come through
Hey, your joy is comin' in the mornin'
He's gonna come through
Just receive it, the Darlin' is comin'

He's gonna to come through
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
You have cried long enough, time to dance now

And for you there's a plan
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
The God we serve is gonna come through
Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry

I know God's gonna make a way, hey
I don't care how dark the day
Help is on the way
Hold on my brother, my sister

He's gonna come through
The promises of God, I know that they are real
He's gonna come through
It really doesn't matter how bad you feel

He's gonna to come through
Don't matter how it started 'cause it's all good in the end
Time to lift His name up for the joy of the Lord is our strength
You have cried long enough, time to dance now

And for you there's a plan
He is sovereign, has your life in His hands, yes He loves you
The God we serve is gonna come through
Hold your head, dry those tears from your eyes, don't you worry

Relevant Tags:
HHe's GGonna CCome TThrough e's onna ome hrough eH's oGnna oCme hTrough je's honna fome fhrough jHe's hGonna fCome fThrough Hje's Ghonna Cfome Tfhrough
ue's yonna xome 5hrough uHe's yGonna xCome 5Through Hue's Gyonna Cxome T5hrough ne's bonna vome hhrough nHe's bGonna vCome hThrough Hne's Gbonna Cvome Thhrough
be's vonna dome yhrough bHe's vGonna dCome yThrough Hbe's Gvonna Cdome Tyhrough ge's fonna Coome 6hrough gHe's fGonna Cme 6Through Hge's Gfonna Cmoe T6hrough
ye's tonna Ckme ghrough yHe's tGonna Ckome gThrough Hye's Gtonna Cokme Tghrough Hee's Goonna C9me rhrough H's Gnna C9ome rThrough H'es Gnona Co9me Trhrough
Hs's Gknna C0me Hse's Gkonna C0ome Trough Hes's Goknna Co0me Trhough H3's G9nna Clme Tjrough H3e's G9onna Clome Tjhrough He3's Go9nna Colme Thjrough
Hf's G0nna Cime Turough Hfe's G0onna Ciome Tuhrough Hef's Go0nna Coime Thurough Hr's Glnna Comme Tnrough Hre's Glonna Coe Tnhrough Her's Golnna Coem Thnrough
H4's Ginna Coje Tbrough H4e's Gionna Cojme Tbhrough He4's Goinna Comje Thbrough Hd's Gonnna Coke Tgrough Hde's Gona Hed's Gonna Comke Thgrough
Hw's Gomna Cone Tyrough Hwe's Gomnna Conme Hew's Gonmna Comne Thyrough He''s Gohna Comee Thrrough Hes Gohnna Com Though Hes' Gonhna Come Thorugh
He'ss Gojna Coms Thdough He' Gojnna Comse Thdrough He's Gonjna Comes Thrdough He'z Gobna Com3 Th4ough He'zs Gobnna Com3e Th4rough He'sz Gonbna Come3 Thr4ough
He'w Comf Thgough He'ws Comfe He'sw Gonan Comef Thrgough He'd Gonma Comr Thtough He'ds Comre Thtrough He'sd Gonnma Comer Thrtough
He'e Gonha Com4 Th5ough He'es Com4e Th5rough He'se Gonnha Come4 Thr5ough He'x Gonja Comd Thfough He'xs Comde Thfrough He'sx Gonnja Comed Thrfough
He'a Gonba Comw Theough He'as Comwe Therough He'sa Gonnba Comew Threough Gonnaa Throough Gonn Thrugh

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