Sunny Places

These streets are never gonna look the same
Now the carnival's passed by
Still hear the laughter
Still see the smiles
The rhythms still pumping steadily
Life's remedy, a melody floating on
What a chance to behold

So why wait for another dawn...

Let's start today
Give in... give it all
To a rhythm that's pumping steadily
Life's remedy, a melody floating on
What a chance to behold

I catch my thoughts and I pray
That love will warm your day
If life is cold and cruel
Pray love warms to you
If the seasons turn against you
The winter wind should get you down
If life is cold and cruel
Pray love warms to you

The streets are almost empty
But the rhythm echoes on

Mirror lyrics:

But the rhythm echoes on
The streets are almost empty

Pray love warms to you
If life is cold and cruel
The winter wind should get you down
If the seasons turn against you
Pray love warms to you
If life is cold and cruel
That love will warm your day
I catch my thoughts and I pray

What a chance to behold
Life's remedy, a melody floating on
To a rhythm that's pumping steadily
Give in... give it all
Let's start today

So why wait for another dawn...

What a chance to behold
Life's remedy, a melody floating on
The rhythms still pumping steadily
Still see the smiles
Still hear the laughter
Now the carnival's passed by
These streets are never gonna look the same

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S8nny Plwces S8unny Plwaces Su8nny Plawces Sjnny Plxces Sjunny Plxaces Sujnny Plaxces Synny Placces Syunny Plaes Suynny Plaecs
Sunnny Plafes Suny Plafces

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