Sir Giant
Our Natural Love

I can't stop the rain from falling
I can't stop the storm
But I can make you happy once more
Your strength was taken by the wind
Your will, smashed by rocks
My river of love will never stop

I need you to know how much you mean to me
So let me know how can I make you see

Spring's lovely... the flowers and the trees
Summer's callin'
I want you back and wanna live this naturally

You're the only one who bets your life and choose the path you wanna walk
You're the one who makes your decisions
If you want my love, I promise to be your lover
If I'm the one, It's something you'll discover
Please let's try
I'll show you why

I need you to know how much you mean to me
So let me show you exactly how I feel

Spring's lovely... the flowers and the trees
Summer's callin'
I want you back and wanna live this naturally

You can call it my love
You can call it your love
I will call it our love
It's a natural love

You can call it my love
You can call it your love
I will call it our natural love

Mirror lyrics:

I will call it our natural love
You can call it your love
You can call it my love

It's a natural love
I will call it our love
You can call it your love
You can call it my love

I want you back and wanna live this naturally
Summer's callin'
Spring's lovely... the flowers and the trees

So let me show you exactly how I feel
I need you to know how much you mean to me

I'll show you why
Please let's try
If I'm the one, It's something you'll discover
If you want my love, I promise to be your lover
You're the one who makes your decisions
You're the only one who bets your life and choose the path you wanna walk

I want you back and wanna live this naturally
Summer's callin'
Spring's lovely... the flowers and the trees

So let me know how can I make you see
I need you to know how much you mean to me

My river of love will never stop
Your will, smashed by rocks
Your strength was taken by the wind
But I can make you happy once more
I can't stop the storm
I can't stop the rain from falling

Relevant Tags:
OOur NNatural LLove ur atural ove uOr aNtural oLve kur matural kove kOur mNatural kLove Okur Nmatural Lkove 9ur hatural oove
9Our hNatural oLove O9ur Nhatural Loove 0ur jatural pove 0Our jNatural pLove O0ur Njatural Lpove lur batural lOur bNatural Lve
Olur Nbatural Lvoe iur Naatural Lkve iOur Ntural Oiur Ntaural Lokve Ouur Nztural L9ve Or Nzatural L9ove Oru Naztural Lo9ve
Ohr Nqtural L0ve Ohur Nqatural L0ove Ouhr Naqtural Lo0ve O7r Nstural Llve O7ur Nsatural Llove Ou7r Nastural Lolve Okr Nwtural Live
Nwatural Liove Oukr Nawtural Loive Oir Nxtural Lovve Nxatural Loe Ouir Naxtural Loev O8r Nattural Lobe O8ur Naural Lobve
Ou8r Nautral Lovbe Ojr Nafural Loce Ojur Naftural Locve Oujr Natfural Lovce Oyr Na5ural Loge Oyur Na5tural Logve Ouyr Nat5ural Lovge
Ourr Nahural Lofe Ou Nahtural Lofve Our Nathural Lovfe Oud Nayural Lovee Oudr Naytural Lov Ourd Natyural Love Ou4 Na6ural Lovs
Ou4r Na6tural Lovse Our4 Nat6ural Loves Oug Nagural Lov3 Ougr Nagtural Lov3e Ourg Natgural Love3 Out Narural Lovf Outr Nartural
Ourt Natrural Lovef Ou5 Natuural Lovr Ou5r Natral Lovre Our5 Natrual Lover Ouf Nathral Lov4 Oufr Lov4e Ourf Natuhral Love4
Oue Nat7ral Lovd Ouer Nat7ural Lovde Oure Natu7ral Loved Natkral Lovw

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