Social Distortion
Take Care Of Yourself

Tried to love like the rest of the world
A picture perfect romance
I tried directing the play but the lines were all wrong

I tried to make the occasions ring out
I bought you diamonds and pearls
But the gift that I didn’t give was that of myself

I’m sorry for what I said
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself

There were times I couldn’t hear your side
Or put myself in your place
My relationship skills had simply run out

And when our times were good they were good
And when they were bad they were bad
I tried directing the play but the scenes were all wrong

I’m sorry for what I said
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll walk away, but baby, take care of yourself

And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you
To try and keep you here by my side
If there’s the slightest chance I could change for you
Then I’ll be here still for the long ride

I’m sorry for what I said
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll walk away, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself

Mirror lyrics:

I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll walk away, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’m sorry for what I said

Then I’ll be here still for the long ride
If there’s the slightest chance I could change for you
To try and keep you here by my side
And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you

I’ll walk away, but baby, take care of yourself
I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’m sorry for what I said

I tried directing the play but the scenes were all wrong
And when they were bad they were bad
And when our times were good they were good

My relationship skills had simply run out
Or put myself in your place
There were times I couldn’t hear your side

I’ll say goodbye, but baby, take care of yourself
Sorry for the things I didn’t do
I’m sorry for what I said

But the gift that I didn’t give was that of myself
I bought you diamonds and pearls
I tried to make the occasions ring out

I tried directing the play but the lines were all wrong
A picture perfect romance
Tried to love like the rest of the world

Relevant Tags:
TTake CCare OOf YYourself ake are f ourself aTke aCre fO oYurself fake fare kf gourself fTake fCare kOf gYourself Tfake Cfare Okf Ygourself
5ake xare 9f hourself 5Take xCare 9Of hYourself T5ake Cxare O9f Yhourself hake vare 0f 6ourself hTake vCare 0Of 6Yourself Thake Cvare O0f Y6ourself
yake dare lf uourself yTake dCare lOf uYourself Tyake Cdare Olf Yuourself 6ake Caare if 7ourself 6Take Cre iOf 7Yourself T6ake Crae Oif Y7ourself
gake Czre Off jourself gTake Czare O jYourself Tgake Cazre Of Yjourself rake Cqre Oc tourself rTake Cqare Ocf tYourself Trake Caqre Ofc Ytourself
Taake Csre Or Yoourself Tke Csare Orf Yurself Tkae Casre Ofr Yuorself Tzke Cwre Og Ykurself Tzake Cware Ogf Ykourself Tazke Cawre Ofg Yokurself
Tqke Cxre Ot Y9urself Tqake Otf Y9ourself Taqke Caxre Oft Yo9urself Tske Carre Ov Y0urself Tsake Cae Ovf Y0ourself Taske Caer Ofv Yo0urself
Twke Cade Od Ylurself Twake Cadre Odf Ylourself Tawke Carde Ofd Yolurself Txke Ca4e Yiurself Txake Ca4re Yiourself Taxke Car4e Yoiurself
Takke Cage Youurself Tae Cagre Yorself Taek Carge Yoruself Tale Cate Yohrself Talke Catre Yohurself Takle Carte Youhrself
Taoe Ca5e Yo7rself Taoke Ca5re Yo7urself Takoe Car5e You7rself Tame Cafe Yokrself Tamke Cafre Takme Carfe Youkrself
Taje Caee Yoirself Tajke Caere Takje Caree Youirself Taie Yo8rself Taike Car Yo8urself Takie Care You8rself
Takee Cars Yojrself Tak Carse Yojurself Take Cares Youjrself Taks Car3 Yoyrself Takse Car3e Yoyurself Takes Care3 Youyrself
Tak3 Carf Yourrself Tak3e Youself Take3 Caref Yousrelf Takf Carr Youdself Takfe Youdrself Takef Carer Yourdself
Takr Car4 You4self Takre You4rself Taker Care4 Your4self Tak4 Card Yougself Tak4e Yougrself Take4 Cared Yourgself
Takd Carw Youtself Takde Carwe Youtrself

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