Sonata Arctica
Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited

Wake up my child, hope is here.
With the vengeance we have no time to bleed.
My only world filled with fear.
I never saw the sower of the seed.

Where is the world we had?
Who can ever save you and your little lives?
A child guides a child guided (child).
A child is never guilty,
But you should not run free...

The grave is open,
Let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Your own blood will clean the blood,
For now the glory days are gone.

Time has come for everyone
To think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see,
It's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal,
You are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.

Abandoned, pleased, brainwashed, exploited,
Madness has a reason.
Throw money at the problem and it will remain.
Your life has no value for them,
"Violate me and this never ends.
My children will then hate you too."

The grave is open,
Let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again tonight.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Your own blood will clean the blood,
For now the glory days are gone.

Now, when it seems that we have nothing to believe in,
Maybe we should be waiting for the rock to come.
For our children soon have nothing they should learn.

The grave is open,
Let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again tonight.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Your own blood will clean the blood,
For now the glory days are gone.

Time has come for everyone
To think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see,
It's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal,
You are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.

Time has come for everyone
To think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see,
It's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal,
You are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.

Mirror lyrics:

If only we could wake up soon and scream.
You are one with your foe.
You aim for a common goal,
It's not a dream.
Open your eyes and see,
To think what we have done.
Time has come for everyone

If only we could wake up soon and scream.
You are one with your foe.
You aim for a common goal,
It's not a dream.
Open your eyes and see,
To think what we have done.
Time has come for everyone

For now the glory days are gone.
Your own blood will clean the blood,
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again tonight.
Let us pray without remorse.
The grave is open,

For our children soon have nothing they should learn.
Maybe we should be waiting for the rock to come.
Now, when it seems that we have nothing to believe in,

For now the glory days are gone.
Your own blood will clean the blood,
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again tonight.
Let us pray without remorse.
The grave is open,

My children will then hate you too."
"Violate me and this never ends.
Your life has no value for them,
Throw money at the problem and it will remain.
Madness has a reason.
Abandoned, pleased, brainwashed, exploited,

If only we could wake up soon and scream.
You are one with your foe.
You aim for a common goal,
It's not a dream.
Open your eyes and see,
To think what we have done.
Time has come for everyone

For now the glory days are gone.
Your own blood will clean the blood,
Why not look through your fingers what they've done?
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Let us pray without remorse.
The grave is open,

But you should not run free...
A child is never guilty,
A child guides a child guided (child).
Who can ever save you and your little lives?
Where is the world we had?

I never saw the sower of the seed.
My only world filled with fear.
With the vengeance we have no time to bleed.
Wake up my child, hope is here.

Relevant Tags:
AAbandoned, PPleased, BBrainwashed, EExploited bandoned, leased, rainwashed, xploited bAandoned, lPeased, rBainwashed, xEploited
zbandoned, 0leased, vrainwashed, sxploited zAbandoned, 0Pleased, vBrainwashed, sExploited Azbandoned, P0leased, Bvrainwashed, Esxploited
qbandoned, lleased, grainwashed, 3xploited qAbandoned, lPleased, gBrainwashed, 3Exploited Aqbandoned, Plleased, Bgrainwashed, E3xploited
sbandoned, oleased, nrainwashed, fxploited sAbandoned, oPleased, nBrainwashed, fExploited Asbandoned, Poleased, Bnrainwashed, Efxploited
wbandoned, hrainwashed, rxploited wAbandoned, Peased, hBrainwashed, rExploited Awbandoned, Pelased, Bhrainwashed, Erxploited
xbandoned, Pkeased, Brrainwashed, 4xploited xAbandoned, Pkleased, Bainwashed, 4Exploited Axbandoned, Plkeased, Barinwashed, E4xploited
Abbandoned, Poeased, Bdainwashed, dxploited Aandoned, Bdrainwashed, dExploited Aabndoned, Ploeased, Brdainwashed, Edxploited
Avandoned, Ppeased, B4ainwashed, wxploited Avbandoned, Ppleased, B4rainwashed, wExploited Abvandoned, Plpeased, Br4ainwashed, Ewxploited
Agandoned, Pleeased, Bgainwashed, Exxploited Agbandoned, Plased, Eploited Abgandoned, Plaesed, Brgainwashed, Epxloited
Anandoned, Plsased, Btainwashed, Edploited Anbandoned, Plseased, Btrainwashed, Abnandoned, Plesased, Brtainwashed, Exdploited
Ahandoned, Pl3ased, B5ainwashed, Ezploited Ahbandoned, Pl3eased, B5rainwashed, Ezxploited Abhandoned, Ple3ased, Br5ainwashed, Exzploited
Abaandoned, Plfased, Bfainwashed, Ecploited Abndoned, Plfeased, Bfrainwashed, Ecxploited Abnadoned, Plefased, Brfainwashed, Excploited
Abzndoned, Plrased, Beainwashed, Esploited Abzandoned, Plreased, Berainwashed, Abazndoned, Plerased, Breainwashed, Exsploited
Abqndoned, Pl4ased, Braainwashed, Expploited Abqandoned, Pl4eased, Brinwashed, Exloited Abaqndoned, Ple4ased, Brianwashed, Exlpoited
Absndoned, Pldased, Brzinwashed, Ex0loited Absandoned, Pldeased, Brzainwashed, Ex0ploited Abasndoned, Pledased, Brazinwashed, Exp0loited
Abwndoned, Plwased, Brqinwashed, Exlloited Abwandoned, Plweased, Brqainwashed, Exlploited Abawndoned, Plewased, Braqinwashed, Explloited
Abxndoned, Pleaased, Brsinwashed, Exoloited Abxandoned, Plesed, Brsainwashed, Exoploited Abaxndoned, Plesaed, Brasinwashed, Expoloited
Abanndoned, Plezsed, Brwinwashed, Abadoned, Plezased, Brwainwashed, Expoited Abadnoned, Pleazsed, Brawinwashed, Expolited
Abamdoned, Pleqsed, Brxinwashed, Expkoited Abamndoned, Pleqased, Brxainwashed, Expkloited Abanmdoned, Pleaqsed, Braxinwashed, Explkoited
Abahdoned, Plessed, Braiinwashed, Expooited Abahndoned, Branwashed, Abanhdoned, Pleassed, Braniwashed, Explooited
Abajdoned, Plewsed, Brajnwashed, Exppoited Abajndoned, Brajinwashed, Abanjdoned, Pleawsed, Braijnwashed, Explpoited
Ababdoned, Plexsed, Bra9nwashed, Ababndoned, Plexased, Bra9inwashed, Explited Abanbdoned, Pleaxsed, Brai9nwashed, Explioted
Abanddoned, Bralnwashed, Explkited Abanoned, Pleaed, Bralinwashed, Abanodned, Pleaesd, Brailnwashed, Explokited
Abanxoned, Pleazed, Braonwashed, Expl9ited Abanxdoned, Braoinwashed, Expl9oited Abandxoned, Pleaszed, Braionwashed, Explo9ited
Abaneoned, Pleawed, Braknwashed, Expl0ited Abanedoned, Brakinwashed, Expl0oited Abandeoned, Pleaswed, Braiknwashed, Explo0ited
Abanfoned, Pleaded, Bra8nwashed, Expllited Abanfdoned, Pleadsed, Bra8inwashed, Abandfoned, Pleasded, Brai8nwashed, Explolited
Abanroned, Pleaeed, Braunwashed, Expliited Abanrdoned, Pleaesed, Brauinwashed, Explioited Abandroned, Pleaseed, Braiunwashed, Exploiited
Abanconed, Pleaxed, Brainnwashed, Abancdoned, Braiwashed, Exploted Abandconed, Pleasxed, Braiwnashed, Explotied
Abansoned, Pleaaed, Braimwashed, Explojted Abansdoned, Braimnwashed, Explojited Abandsoned, Pleasaed, Brainmwashed, Exploijted
Abandooned, Braihwashed, Explo9ted Abandned, Pleasd, Braihnwashed, Abandnoed, Pleasde, Brainhwashed, Exploi9ted

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