Sonata Arctica
Flag In The Ground

"In the days when lands were few, and man sometimes had no chance but sell his soul
to his landlord to make a living...
In far and away country, they gave acres of land away for free, to all able to claim
it... Ships sailed across the great seas, fortunes were made and dreams shattered...

Sometimes couples were torn apart,
for all they could afford...was one ticket."

Leaving my life behind
My young love and the unborn
Only have a lock of her hair...
and burning love inside

After forty work-filled days and sleepless nights,
the sails are lit by the lights of Boston
...and here we go...

Off the ship! Towards the adventure,
the one to define our lives.
Daily grind and a tiny room.

"I got here safe, Love.
I have an address, until spring, then I shall race for the land,
hope to hear from you soon..."

Her letter reads...

"Please let me know everything's alright
Thinking about you, 'though you're out of sight
every night, when I'm turning in, my tears find me.
Please hurry, dear, come back and rescue me..."

"Now that I have made the dollars we need for the dream.
The best horse I've ever seen,
a carriage and everything I need...
I will make my way to the great unknown
Every moment I wish you were here with me now...

"Please let me know everything's alright...."

"No, I'm not a stranger, among the people in here...
Yet I have never felt so alone...

At high noon the sound will boom,
and I will start racing for the
land we can call home."

"I stuck my...
flag in the ground, screaming 'n shouting,
I've never felt so proud, Love!

We are free from eternal serfdom!
I'm gonna bring you home, my light!"

"nine, eight, seven, six, counting the days. SOLO!"
"five, four, three, two, together forever! SOLO!"

I made my way into the great unknown

Land by the river, and a new built home.
I am the land and the land is me
Freedom is everything and we are free

I made my way into the great unknown
Land by the river, and a new built home.
Every night, when I'm looking at the full moon rising
I hold you and know that we are free...

Mirror lyrics:

I hold you and know that we are free...
Every night, when I'm looking at the full moon rising
Land by the river, and a new built home.
I made my way into the great unknown

Freedom is everything and we are free
I am the land and the land is me
Land by the river, and a new built home.

I made my way into the great unknown

"five, four, three, two, together forever! SOLO!"
"nine, eight, seven, six, counting the days. SOLO!"

I'm gonna bring you home, my light!"
We are free from eternal serfdom!

I've never felt so proud, Love!
flag in the ground, screaming 'n shouting,
"I stuck my...

land we can call home."
and I will start racing for the
At high noon the sound will boom,

Yet I have never felt so alone...
"No, I'm not a stranger, among the people in here...

"Please let me know everything's alright...."

Every moment I wish you were here with me now...
I will make my way to the great unknown
a carriage and everything I need...
The best horse I've ever seen,
"Now that I have made the dollars we need for the dream.

Please hurry, dear, come back and rescue me..."
every night, when I'm turning in, my tears find me.
Thinking about you, 'though you're out of sight
"Please let me know everything's alright

Her letter reads...

hope to hear from you soon..."
I have an address, until spring, then I shall race for the land,
"I got here safe, Love.

Daily grind and a tiny room.
the one to define our lives.
Off the ship! Towards the adventure,

...and here we go...
the sails are lit by the lights of Boston
After forty work-filled days and sleepless nights,

and burning love inside
Only have a lock of her hair...
My young love and the unborn
Leaving my life behind

for all they could afford...was one ticket."
Sometimes couples were torn apart,

it... Ships sailed across the great seas, fortunes were made and dreams shattered...
In far and away country, they gave acres of land away for free, to all able to claim
to his landlord to make a living...
"In the days when lands were few, and man sometimes had no chance but sell his soul

Relevant Tags:
FFlag IIn TThe GGround lag n he round lFag nI hTe rGound clag jn fhe hround cFlag jIn fThe hGround Fclag Ijn Tfhe Ghround
rlag 9n 5he yround rFlag 9In 5The yGround Frlag I9n T5he Gyround glag ln hhe bround gFlag lIn hThe bGround Fglag Iln Thhe Gbround
tlag on yhe vround tFlag oIn yThe vGround Ftlag Ion Tyhe Gvround vlag kn 6he fround vFlag kIn 6The fGround Fvlag Ikn T6he Gfround
dlag 8n ghe tround dFlag 8In gThe tGround Fdlag I8n Tghe Gtround Fllag un rhe Grround Fag uIn rThe Gound Falg Iun Trhe Gorund
Fkag Inn Gdound Fklag I Te Gdround Flkag In Teh Grdound Foag Im Tje G4ound Folag Imn Tjhe G4round Floag Inm Thje Gr4ound
Fpag Ih Tue Ggound Fplag Ihn Tuhe Gground Flpag Inh Thue Grgound Flaag Ij Tne Gtound Flg Tnhe Flga Inj Thne Grtound
Flzg Ib Tbe G5ound Flzag Ibn Tbhe G5round Flazg Inb Thbe Gr5ound Flqg Tge Gfound Flqag Flaqg Thge Grfound
Flsg Tye Geound Flsag Geround Flasg Thye Greound Flwg Thee Groound Flwag Th Grund Flawg The Gruond
Flxg Ths Grkund Flxag Thse Grkound Flaxg Thes Grokund Flagg Th3 Gr9und Fla Th3e Gr9ound Flag The3 Gro9und
Flah Thf Gr0und Flahg Thfe Gr0ound Flagh Thef Gro0und Flay Thr Grlund Flayg Thre Grlound

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