Something With Numbers
We Can Succeed

I am floating on the reason why we get up everyday,
is it just so i can torture myself.
Could I be responsible for my mistaken peace of mind,
This is the only place I am happy.

I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
The waves crashing in the distance.

We can succeed,
If theres a will then theres a way.
All that we need is riding in our wake.
As the sun rises, and i look into the sky, what i see is lacking,
I look away for the reason that i hurt my eyes, punctuation lacking.

I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
The waves crashing in the distance.

We can succeed,
If theres a will then theres a way.
All that we need is riding in our wake.

We can succeed,
If theres a will then theres a way.
All that we need is riding in our wake.
I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
The waves crashing in the distance.

Mirror lyrics:

The waves crashing in the distance.
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?
All that we need is riding in our wake.
If theres a will then theres a way.
We can succeed,

All that we need is riding in our wake.
If theres a will then theres a way.
We can succeed,

The waves crashing in the distance.
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?

I look away for the reason that i hurt my eyes, punctuation lacking.
As the sun rises, and i look into the sky, what i see is lacking,
All that we need is riding in our wake.
If theres a will then theres a way.
We can succeed,

The waves crashing in the distance.
There it is, I can hear that subtle sound,
I can jump up & down, but who will listen to me?

This is the only place I am happy.
Could I be responsible for my mistaken peace of mind,
is it just so i can torture myself.
I am floating on the reason why we get up everyday,

Relevant Tags:
WWe CCan SSucceed e an ucceed eW aCn uScceed ae fan zucceed aWe fCan zSucceed Wae Cfan Szucceed 3e xan wucceed 3We xCan wSucceed
W3e Cxan Swucceed de van ducceed dWe vCan dSucceed Wde Cvan Sducceed ee dan eucceed eWe dCan eSucceed Wee Cdan Seucceed se Caan xucceed
sWe Cn xSucceed Wse Cna Sxucceed 2e Czn aucceed 2We Czan aSucceed W2e Cazn Saucceed qe Cqn Suucceed qWe Cqan Scceed Wqe Caqn Scuceed
Csn Shcceed W Csan Shucceed We Casn Suhcceed Ws Cwn S7cceed Cwan S7ucceed Wes Cawn Su7cceed W3 Cxn Skcceed Skucceed
We3 Caxn Sukcceed Wf Cann Sicceed Wfe Ca Siucceed Wef Can Suicceed Wr Cam S8cceed Wre Camn S8ucceed Wer Canm Su8cceed W4 Cah Sjcceed
W4e Cahn Sjucceed We4 Canh Sujcceed Wd Caj Sycceed Cajn Syucceed Wed Canj Suycceed Ww Cab Succceed Wwe Cabn Suceed Wew Canb Succeed
Sufceed Sufcceed Sucfceed Suxceed Suxcceed Sucxceed Suvceed Suvcceed
Sucvceed Sudceed Sudcceed Sucdceed

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