Something For Kate
Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Feels like you're coming apart
and entertain the thought that you're out of things to say
and you haven't even started
you haven't even started

You're gonna have to find the words
to put on the page
and get around the corner
get around the corner
where nothing is the way
the way it was before
you're left with just hese after thoughts
to keep you warm

and when all the sunlight in your eyes feels forgotten
Is there lighat the end of this tunnel?
And it feels like we're drowning, sinking to the bottomw
Is there light at the end of this tunnel?
If the only thing to do now
is just start running
for a light at the end of this tunnel

Sometimes anything just breaks your heart up
and you hold your arms to keep day and night apart
so this is never edning
nothing is ending
turn back the clock till the clock is no more now
time means nothing, time can't touch you
it's nowhere to the start and nowhere to end
but tomorrow somehow finds it's way to us again

And when all the sunlight in your eyes feels forgotten
Is there a light at the end of this tunnel
and we feel like we're drowning, sinking to the bottome
is there a light at the end of this tunnel
and the only thing to do now
is just start, just start running for the light at the end of this tunnel
For The Light

Mirror lyrics:

For The Light
is just start, just start running for the light at the end of this tunnel
and the only thing to do now
is there a light at the end of this tunnel
and we feel like we're drowning, sinking to the bottome
Is there a light at the end of this tunnel
And when all the sunlight in your eyes feels forgotten

but tomorrow somehow finds it's way to us again
it's nowhere to the start and nowhere to end
time means nothing, time can't touch you
turn back the clock till the clock is no more now
nothing is ending
so this is never edning
and you hold your arms to keep day and night apart
Sometimes anything just breaks your heart up

for a light at the end of this tunnel
is just start running
If the only thing to do now
Is there light at the end of this tunnel?
And it feels like we're drowning, sinking to the bottomw
Is there lighat the end of this tunnel?
and when all the sunlight in your eyes feels forgotten

to keep you warm
you're left with just hese after thoughts
the way it was before
where nothing is the way
get around the corner
and get around the corner
to put on the page
You're gonna have to find the words

you haven't even started
and you haven't even started
and entertain the thought that you're out of things to say
Feels like you're coming apart

Relevant Tags:
LLight AAt TThe EEnd OOf TThe TTunnel ight t he nd f he unnel iLght tA hTe nEd fO hTe uTnnel kight zt fhe snd kf fhe funnel kLight zAt fThe sEnd kOf fThe fTunnel
Lkight Azt Tfhe Esnd Okf Tfhe Tfunnel oight qt 5he 3nd 9f 5he 5unnel oLight qAt 5The 3End 9Of 5The 5Tunnel Loight Aqt T5he E3nd O9f T5he T5unnel pight st hhe fnd 0f hhe hunnel
pLight sAt hThe fEnd 0Of hThe hTunnel Lpight Ast Thhe Efnd O0f Thhe Thunnel Liight wt yhe rnd lf yhe yunnel Lght wAt yThe rEnd lOf yThe yTunnel Lgiht Awt Tyhe Ernd Olf Tyhe Tyunnel
Ljght xt 6he 4nd if 6he 6unnel Ljight xAt 6The 4End iOf 6The 6Tunnel Lijght Axt T6he E4nd Oif T6he T6unnel L9ght Att ghe dnd Off ghe gunnel L9ight A gThe dEnd O gThe gTunnel
Li9ght At Tghe Ednd Of Tghe Tgunnel Llght Af rhe wnd Oc rhe runnel Llight Aft rThe wEnd Ocf rThe rTunnel Lilght Atf Trhe Ewnd Ofc Trhe Trunnel Loght A5 Ennd Or Tuunnel
A5t Te Ed Orf Te Tnnel Lioght At5 Teh Edn Ofr Teh Tnunel Lkght Ah Tje Emd Og Tje Thnnel Aht Tjhe Emnd Ogf Tjhe Likght Ath Thje Enmd Ofg Thje Tuhnnel
L8ght Ay Tue Ehd Ot Tue T7nnel L8ight Ayt Tuhe Ehnd Otf Tuhe T7unnel Li8ght Aty Thue Enhd Oft Thue Tu7nnel Lught A6 Tne Ejd Ov Tne Tknnel Luight A6t Tnhe Ejnd Ovf Tnhe Tkunnel
Liught At6 Thne Enjd Ofv Thne Tuknnel Ligght Ag Tbe Ebd Od Tbe Tinnel Liht Agt Tbhe Ebnd Odf Tbhe Tiunnel Lihgt Atg Thbe Enbd Ofd Thbe Tuinnel Lihht Ar Tge Endd Tge T8nnel
Lihght Art En T8unnel Lighht Atr Thge End Thge Tu8nnel Liyht Tye Enx Tye Tjnnel Liyght Enxd Tjunnel Ligyht Thye Endx Thye Tujnnel
Libht Thee Ene Thee Tynnel Libght Th Ened Th Ligbht The Ende The Tuynnel Livht Ths Enf Ths Tunnnel Livght Thse Enfd Thse Tunel
Ligvht Thes Endf Thes Tunnel Lifht Th3 Enr Th3 Tumnel

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