Slow Coming Day
A Part Of Me Died

I woke up this morning and I forgot you were gone.
I imagined all this time that you were here with me.
Forgot all the pain and sorrow I have felt so many years.
Forgot about that day and all my wasted tears.
When can I see...see you again?
When can I see...see you again?
I woke up this morning and I realized you were gone.
I remembered your ashes as they were thrown to the ground.
I remember that day when a part of me died.
I will never let you go no matter how hard I try.
When can I see...see you again?
When can I see...see you again?

Mirror lyrics:

When can I see...see you again?
When can I see...see you again?
I will never let you go no matter how hard I try.
I remember that day when a part of me died.
I remembered your ashes as they were thrown to the ground.
I woke up this morning and I realized you were gone.
When can I see...see you again?
When can I see...see you again?
Forgot about that day and all my wasted tears.
Forgot all the pain and sorrow I have felt so many years.
I imagined all this time that you were here with me.
I woke up this morning and I forgot you were gone.

Relevant Tags:
AA PPart OOf MMe DDied art f e ied A aPrt fO eM iDed z 0art kf je xied zA 0Part kOf jMe xDied Az P0art Okf Mje Dxied
q lart 9f ke eied qA lPart 9Of kMe eDied Aq Plart O9f Mke Deied s oart 0f ne fied sA oPart 0Of nMe fDied As Poart O0f Mne Dfied
w Paart lf Mee ried wA Prt lOf M rDied Aw Prat Olf Me Dried x Pzrt if Ms cied xA Pzart iOf Mse cDied Ax Pazrt Oif Mes Dcied
Pqrt Off M3 sied Pqart O M3e sDied Paqrt Of Me3 Dsied Psrt Oc Mf Diied Psart Ocf Mfe Ded Pasrt Ofc Mef Deid
Pwrt Or Mr Djed Pwart Orf Mre Djied Pawrt Ofr Mer Dijed Pxrt Og M4 D9ed Pxart Ogf M4e D9ied Paxrt Ofg Me4 Di9ed
Parrt Ot Md Dled Pat Otf Mde Dlied Patr Oft Med Diled Padt Ov Mw Doed Padrt Ovf Mwe Doied Pardt Ofv Mew Dioed
Pa4t Od Dked Pa4rt Odf Dkied Par4t Ofd Diked Pagt D8ed Pagrt D8ied Pargt Di8ed
Patt Dued

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