Two Seater

For what it's worth, you're on my turf

And my roots go deep into the earth

How deep they go, you'll never know

You'll never know

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

First it was me and then it was you

Caught up in this lifestyle built for two

You know how I feel about what you do

What do you do

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

You want to be one

You want to have one

Which is it and what is the reason

You want to be one

You want to have one

Which is it and what is the reason

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

For what it's worth, you're on my turf

And my roots go deep into the earth

How deep they go, you'll never know, you'll never know

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

Mirror lyrics:

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

How deep they go, you'll never know, you'll never know

And my roots go deep into the earth

For what it's worth, you're on my turf

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

Which is it and what is the reason

You want to have one

You want to be one

Which is it and what is the reason

You want to have one

You want to be one

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

About the way I've acted

I'm sorry

What do you do

You know how I feel about what you do

Caught up in this lifestyle built for two

First it was me and then it was you

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

You'll never know

How deep they go, you'll never know

And my roots go deep into the earth

For what it's worth, you're on my turf

Relevant Tags:
TTwo SSeater wo eater wTo eSater fwo zeater fTwo zSeater Tfwo Szeater 5wo weater 5Two wSeater T5wo Sweater hwo deater hTwo dSeater
Thwo Sdeater ywo eeater yTwo eSeater Tywo Seeater 6wo xeater 6Two xSeater T6wo Sxeater gwo aeater gTwo aSeater Tgwo Saeater rwo
rTwo Sater Trwo Saeter Twwo Ssater To Sseater Tow Sesater Tao S3ater Tawo S3eater Twao Se3ater T3o Sfater T3wo Sfeater Tw3o Sefater
Tdo Srater Tdwo Sreater Twdo Serater Teo S4ater Tewo S4eater Tweo Se4ater Tso Sdater Tswo Twso Sedater T2o Swater T2wo
Tw2o Sewater Tqo Seaater Tqwo Seter Twqo Setaer Twoo Sezter Tw Sezater Two Seazter Twk Seqter Twko Seqater Twok Seaqter Tw9 Sester
Tw9o Two9 Seaster Tw0 Sewter Tw0o Two0 Seawter Twl Sexter Twlo Sexater

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