Slow Runner
Love And Doubt

The movie takes a bitter turn
She's in danger we learn
He's on board
And hiding with a loaded gun
But it's ten against one

It's just the right amount
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
I found out

You're asleep
And pressed up against my arm
So lovely and calm
But do you dream
Of couches in another town
Other arms to pin down

And just the right amount
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
I found out

I prefer
The tension and the slow release
A little dirt in your teeth

And just the right amount
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
I found out
I found out
I found out

Mirror lyrics:

I found out
I found out
I found out
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
And just the right amount

A little dirt in your teeth
The tension and the slow release
I prefer

I found out
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
And just the right amount

Other arms to pin down
Of couches in another town
But do you dream
So lovely and calm
And pressed up against my arm
You're asleep

I found out
Of love and doubt
Just the right amount
Of love and doubt
It's just the right amount

But it's ten against one
And hiding with a loaded gun
He's on board
She's in danger we learn
The movie takes a bitter turn

Relevant Tags:
LLove AAnd DDoubt ove nd oubt oLve nAd oDubt kove znd xoubt kLove zAnd xDoubt Lkove Aznd Dxoubt oove qnd eoubt oLove qAnd eDoubt
Loove Aqnd Deoubt pove snd foubt pLove sAnd fDoubt Lpove Asnd Dfoubt wnd roubt Lve wAnd rDoubt Lvoe Awnd Droubt Lkve xnd coubt
xAnd cDoubt Lokve Axnd Dcoubt L9ve Annd soubt L9ove Ad sDoubt Lo9ve Adn Dsoubt L0ve Amd Dooubt L0ove Amnd Dubt Lo0ve Anmd Duobt
Llve Ahd Dkubt Llove Ahnd Dkoubt Lolve Anhd Dokubt Live Ajd D9ubt Liove Ajnd D9oubt Loive Anjd Do9ubt Lovve Abd D0ubt Loe Abnd D0oubt
Loev Anbd Do0ubt Lobe Andd Dlubt Lobve An Dloubt Lovbe And Dolubt Loce Anx Diubt Locve Anxd Dioubt Lovce Andx Doiubt Loge Ane Douubt
Logve Aned Dobt Lovge Ande Dobut Lofe Anf Dohbt Lofve Anfd Dohubt Lovfe Andf Douhbt Lovee Anr Do7bt Lov Anrd Do7ubt Love Andr Dou7bt
Lovs Anc Dokbt

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