Slow Runner
The Usual Chords

Sad songs get you down
They get you down
They get you down
The music starts in
And you can feel your careful heart
Breaking to the usual chords
The music starts in
And you can feel your careful heart
Breaking to the usual chords

Baby your mix tape made me sad
It made me sad
It made me sad
Cue the rain
Make the studio musicians play
Any of the usual chords
Cue the rain
Make the studio musicians play
Any of the usual chords

They start out nice and all the lights are giving you their best
Before too long the saddest songs are growing in your
Growing in your chest
And it weighs me down
It weighs me down
It weighs me down
I want to go
But I'm buried by the radio
Drowning in the usual chords
I want to go
But I'm buried by the radio
Drowning in the usual chords
The music starts in
And you can feel your careful heart
Breaking to the usual chords

Mirror lyrics:

Breaking to the usual chords
And you can feel your careful heart
The music starts in
Drowning in the usual chords
But I'm buried by the radio
I want to go
Drowning in the usual chords
But I'm buried by the radio
I want to go
It weighs me down
It weighs me down
And it weighs me down
Growing in your chest
Before too long the saddest songs are growing in your
They start out nice and all the lights are giving you their best

Any of the usual chords
Make the studio musicians play
Cue the rain
Any of the usual chords
Make the studio musicians play
Cue the rain
It made me sad
It made me sad
Baby your mix tape made me sad

Breaking to the usual chords
And you can feel your careful heart
The music starts in
Breaking to the usual chords
And you can feel your careful heart
The music starts in
They get you down
They get you down
Sad songs get you down

Relevant Tags:
TThe UUsual CChords he sual hords hTe sUual hCords fhe hsual fhords fThe hUsual fChords Tfhe Uhsual Cfhords 5he 7sual xhords
5The 7Usual xChords T5he U7sual Cxhords hhe ksual vhords hThe kUsual vChords Thhe Uksual Cvhords yhe isual dhords yThe iUsual dChords
Tyhe Uisual Cdhords 6he 8sual Chhords 6The 8Usual Cords T6he U8sual Cohrds ghe jsual Cjords gThe jUsual Cjhords Tghe Ujsual Chjords
rhe ysual Cuords rThe yUsual Cuhords Trhe Uysual Chuords Ussual Cnords Te Uual Cnhords Teh Uusal Chnords Tje Uzual Cbords
Tjhe Uzsual Cbhords Thje Uszual Chbords Tue Uwual Cgords Tuhe Uwsual Cghords Thue Uswual Chgords Tne Udual Cyords Tnhe Udsual Cyhords
Thne Usdual Chyords Tbe Ueual Choords Tbhe Uesual Chrds Thbe Useual Chrods Tge Uxual Chkrds Uxsual Chkords Thge Usxual Chokrds
Tye Uaual Ch9rds Uasual Ch9ords Thye Usaual Cho9rds Thee Usuual Ch0rds Th Usal Ch0ords The Usaul Cho0rds Ths Ushal Chlrds
Thse Ushual Chlords Thes Usuhal Cholrds Th3 Us7al Chirds Th3e Us7ual Chiords The3 Usu7al Choirds Thf Uskal Chorrds Thfe Uskual Chods

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