Slow Gherkin
Get Some More

I was new on the scene
With one look we agreed
In the past we'd been wrong
We'd both been lonely for so long
You ask me do I want to and I said yes I want to
My hand in yours and off we go.
I lie before you
I lie just for you
I lie for everyone.
My acts defy you
My thoughts give lie to
My love for everyone.
Sting of days on the town
Coy admissions of doubt
String of nights in repose
My dear, where did that lovely smile go?
Because you asked me do I want to
And I said yes I want to
But what I meant was I don't know.
Now you say I don't know you
And I say I don't either
We turn away and off we go.

Mirror lyrics:

We turn away and off we go.
And I say I don't either
Now you say I don't know you
But what I meant was I don't know.
And I said yes I want to
Because you asked me do I want to
My dear, where did that lovely smile go?
String of nights in repose
Coy admissions of doubt
Sting of days on the town
My love for everyone.
My thoughts give lie to
My acts defy you
I lie for everyone.
I lie just for you
I lie before you
My hand in yours and off we go.
You ask me do I want to and I said yes I want to
We'd both been lonely for so long
In the past we'd been wrong
With one look we agreed
I was new on the scene

Relevant Tags:
GGet SSome MMore et ome ore eGt oSme oMre het zome jore hGet zSome jMore Ghet Szome Mjore yet wome kore yGet wSome kMore Gyet Swome Mkore
bet dome nore bGet dSome nMore Gbet Sdome Mnore vet eome Moore vGet eSome Mre Gvet Seome Mroe fet xome Mkre fGet xSome Gfet Sxome Mokre
tet aome M9re tGet aSome M9ore Gtet Saome Mo9re Geet Soome M0re Gt Sme M0ore Gte Smoe Mo0re Gst Skme Mlre Gset Skome Mlore Gest Sokme Molre
G3t S9me Mire G3et S9ome Miore Ge3t So9me Moire Gft S0me Morre S0ome Moe Geft So0me Moer Grt Slme Mode Gret Slome Modre Gert Solme Morde
G4t Sime Mo4e

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