Small Brown Bike
The Mouth Of Madness

we're all here. consumed with fear.
compounded. a situation just like you.
i cant look at you without seeing parts of myself.
the farthest star in the sky.
i can hear it. the best has yet to occur.
i can feel it. sleep through the night.
(i want to close my eyes) from street to street.
(why me?) thoughts in your voice.
(i can hear them) consumed with me.
(i can hear them) sputtering and shifting.
dont unlock the doors. theres potential in my weakness
that i havent felt before.

Mirror lyrics:

that i havent felt before.
dont unlock the doors. theres potential in my weakness
(i can hear them) sputtering and shifting.
(i can hear them) consumed with me.
(why me?) thoughts in your voice.
(i want to close my eyes) from street to street.
i can feel it. sleep through the night.
i can hear it. the best has yet to occur.
the farthest star in the sky.
i cant look at you without seeing parts of myself.
compounded. a situation just like you.
we're all here. consumed with fear.

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMouth OOf MMadness he outh f adness hTe oMuth fO aMdness fhe jouth kf jadness fThe jMouth kOf jMadness Tfhe Mjouth Okf Mjadness
5he kouth 9f kadness 5The kMouth 9Of kMadness T5he Mkouth O9f Mkadness hhe nouth 0f nadness hThe nMouth 0Of nMadness Thhe Mnouth O0f Mnadness
yhe Moouth lf Maadness yThe Muth lOf Mdness Tyhe Muoth Olf Mdaness 6he Mkuth if Mzdness 6The iOf Mzadness T6he Mokuth Oif Mazdness
ghe M9uth Off Mqdness gThe M9outh O Mqadness Tghe Mo9uth Of Maqdness rhe M0uth Oc Msdness rThe M0outh Ocf Msadness Trhe Mo0uth Ofc Masdness
Mluth Or Mwdness Te Mlouth Orf Mwadness Teh Moluth Ofr Mawdness Tje Miuth Og Mxdness Tjhe Miouth Ogf Mxadness Thje Moiuth Ofg Maxdness
Tue Mouuth Ot Maddness Tuhe Moth Otf Maness Thue Motuh Oft Mandess Tne Mohth Ov Maxness Tnhe Mohuth Ovf Thne Mouhth Ofv Madxness
Tbe Mo7th Od Maeness Tbhe Mo7uth Odf Maedness Thbe Mou7th Ofd Madeness Tge Mokth Mafness Mafdness Thge Moukth Madfness
Tye Moith Marness Mardness Thye Mouith Madrness Thee Mo8th Macness Th Mo8uth Macdness The Mou8th Madcness
Ths Mojth Masness Thse Mojuth Thes Moujth Madsness Th3 Moyth Madnness Th3e Moyuth Madess The3 Mouyth Madenss
Thf Moutth Madmess Thfe Mouh Madmness Thef Mouht Madnmess Thr Moufh Madhess Thre Moufth Madhness

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