Small Brown Bike
Like A Future With No Friend

Remember when you said that things would never change.

You liar. Because these days things in my life, they don't stay the same.

You changer. Driving (at you). Thinking (of you).

Tears scream down my face.

Trying (for you). Talking (to you).

An incoherent mess.

Pulled up to your place with a script fully prepared.

I'm acting. You stared with no applause.

A broken leg review. I'm failing. (Failing with you)

A drawer full of nothing, except old birthdays and business cards.

And photos that seem like history.

A history worth nothing.

Like a future with no friend.

Mirror lyrics:

Like a future with no friend.

A history worth nothing.

And photos that seem like history.

A drawer full of nothing, except old birthdays and business cards.

A broken leg review. I'm failing. (Failing with you)

I'm acting. You stared with no applause.

Pulled up to your place with a script fully prepared.

An incoherent mess.

Trying (for you). Talking (to you).

Tears scream down my face.

You changer. Driving (at you). Thinking (of you).

You liar. Because these days things in my life, they don't stay the same.

Remember when you said that things would never change.

Relevant Tags:
LLike AA FFuture WWith NNo FFriend ike uture ith o riend iLke A uFture iWth oN rFiend kike z cuture aith mo criend kLike zA cFuture aWith mNo cFriend
Lkike Az Fcuture Waith Nmo Fcriend oike q ruture 3ith ho rriend oLike qA rFuture 3With hNo rFriend Loike Aq Fruture W3ith Nho Frriend pike s guture dith jo griend
pLike sA gFuture dWith jNo gFriend Lpike As Fguture Wdith Njo Fgriend Liike w tuture eith bo triend Lke wA tFuture eWith bNo tFriend Lkie Aw Ftuture Weith Nbo Ftriend
Ljke x vuture sith Noo vriend Ljike xA vFuture sWith N vFriend Lijke Ax Fvuture Wsith No Fvriend L9ke duture 2ith Nk driend L9ike dFuture 2With Nko dFriend
Li9ke Fduture W2ith Nok Fdriend Llke Fuuture qith N9 Llike Fture qWith N9o Fiend Lilke Ftuure Wqith No9 Firend Loke Fhture Wiith N0 Fdiend
Fhuture Wth N0o Lioke Fuhture Wtih No0 Frdiend Lkke F7ture Wjth Nl F4iend F7uture Wjith Nlo F4riend Likke Fu7ture Wijth Nol Fr4iend
L8ke Fkture W9th Ni Fgiend L8ike Fkuture W9ith Nio Li8ke Fukture Wi9th Noi Frgiend Luke Fiture Wlth Ftiend Luike Fiuture Wlith
Liuke Fuiture Wilth Frtiend F8ture Woth F5iend Lie F8uture Woith F5riend Liek Fu8ture Wioth Fr5iend Lile Fjture Wkth Ffiend
Fjuture Wkith Ffriend Likle Fujture Wikth Frfiend Lioe Fyture W8th Feiend Fyuture W8ith Feriend Likoe Fuyture Wi8th Freiend
Lime Futture Wuth Friiend Limke Fuure Wuith Frend Likme Fuutre Wiuth Freind Lije Fufure Witth Frjend Fufture Wih Frjiend
Likje Futfure Wiht Frijend Liie Fu5ure Wifh Fr9end Fu5ture Wifth Fr9iend Likie Fut5ure Witfh Fri9end Likee Fuhure Wi5h Frlend
Lik Wi5th Frliend Like Futhure Wit5h Frilend Liks Fuyure Wihh Froend Likse Wihth Froiend Likes Futyure Withh Frioend
Lik3 Fu6ure Wiyh Frkend Lik3e Fu6ture Wiyth Frkiend Like3 Fut6ure Wityh Frikend Likf Fugure Wi6h Fr8end Likfe Fugture Wi6th Fr8iend
Likef Futgure Wit6h Fri8end

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