Spandau Ballet
Revenge For Love

Don't I need a saviour
Just to bail me out
I'll hold my breath until
The water lets me out
And I say
Alimony never can pay
Hey, hey, hey

I'm on the breadline
Your on the answer phone
You're off the hook
And I'm left all alone
It's a shame
Passion isn't always to blame
Hey, hey, hey

Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Don't say it's a crime
(Don't say it's a crime)
(Don't say)
Just give me sweet revenge

I'm undercover
Your love has overgrown
Retaliation is emotion
I have shown
And I say
All the money never could pay
Hey, hey, hey

I'm on the level
You're on the second floor
I'm counting seconds
As my hand goes for the door
It's the same
Pleasure isn't always the same
Hey, hey, hey

Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Don't say it's a crime
(Don't say it's a crime)
(Don't say)
Just give me sweet revenge
I need revenge for love
Revenge for love
Revenge for love
Revenge for love

(Instrumental Interlude)

Don't I need a saviour
Just to bail me out
I'll hold my breath until
The water lets me out
And I say
Alimony never can pay
Hey, hey, hey

Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Don't say it's a crime
(Don't say it's a crime)
(Don't say)
Just give me sweet revenge

(Instrumental Interlude)

I need, I need, I need
Revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Don't say it's a crime
(Don't say it's a crime)
(Don't say)
Just give me sweet revenge

Mirror lyrics:

Just give me sweet revenge
(Don't say)
(Don't say it's a crime)
Don't say it's a crime
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Revenge for love
I need, I need, I need

(Instrumental Interlude)

Just give me sweet revenge
(Don't say)
(Don't say it's a crime)
Don't say it's a crime
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time

Hey, hey, hey
Alimony never can pay
And I say
The water lets me out
I'll hold my breath until
Just to bail me out
Don't I need a saviour

(Instrumental Interlude)

Revenge for love
Revenge for love
Revenge for love
I need revenge for love
Just give me sweet revenge
(Don't say)
(Don't say it's a crime)
Don't say it's a crime
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time

Hey, hey, hey
Pleasure isn't always the same
It's the same
As my hand goes for the door
I'm counting seconds
You're on the second floor
I'm on the level

Hey, hey, hey
All the money never could pay
And I say
I have shown
Retaliation is emotion
Your love has overgrown
I'm undercover

Just give me sweet revenge
(Don't say)
(Don't say it's a crime)
Don't say it's a crime
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time
Just sweet revenge for love
Oh, I don't need time

Hey, hey, hey
Passion isn't always to blame
It's a shame
And I'm left all alone
You're off the hook
Your on the answer phone
I'm on the breadline

Hey, hey, hey
Alimony never can pay
And I say
The water lets me out
I'll hold my breath until
Just to bail me out
Don't I need a saviour

Relevant Tags:
RRevenge FFor LLove evenge or ove eRvenge oFr oLve devenge cor kove dRevenge cFor kLove Rdevenge Fcor Lkove 4evenge ror oove
4Revenge rFor oLove R4evenge Fror Loove gevenge gor pove gRevenge gFor pLove Rgevenge Fgor Lpove tevenge tor tRevenge tFor Lve
Rtevenge Ftor Lvoe 5evenge vor Lkve 5Revenge vFor R5evenge Fvor Lokve fevenge dor L9ve fRevenge dFor L9ove Rfevenge Fdor Lo9ve
eevenge Foor L0ve eRevenge Fr L0ove Reevenge Fro Lo0ve Fkr Llve Rvenge Fkor Llove Rveenge Fokr Lolve Rsvenge F9r Live
Rsevenge F9or Liove Resvenge Fo9r Loive R3venge F0r Lovve R3evenge F0or Loe Re3venge Fo0r Loev Rfvenge Flr Lobe Flor Lobve
Refvenge Folr Lovbe Rrvenge Fir Loce Rrevenge Fior Locve Rervenge Foir Lovce R4venge Forr Loge Fo Logve Re4venge For Lovge
Rdvenge Fod Lofe Fodr Lofve Redvenge Ford Lovfe Rwvenge Fo4 Lovee Rwevenge Fo4r Lov Rewvenge For4 Love Revvenge Fog Lovs
Reenge Fogr Lovse Reevnge Forg Loves Rebenge Fot Lov3 Rebvenge Fotr Lov3e Revbenge Fort Love3 Recenge Fo5 Lovf Recvenge Fo5r
Revcenge For5 Lovef Regenge Fof Lovr Regvenge Fofr Lovre Revgenge Forf Lover Refenge Foe Lov4 Foer Lov4e Revfenge Fore Love4
Reveenge Lovd Revnge Lovde Revnege Loved Revsnge Lovw Revsenge Lovwe Revesnge Lovew

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