Peaceful Album Version

She never believed I'd do anything to hurt her
she never believed that I could do anything wrong
she firmly believed,but some beliefs can be fatal
now she is sound asleep

in other times I would have held her forever
in other times I would have gone by the book
but rule number one never go crazy together
now she is sound asleep

she's so peaceful
she's so peaceful
so peaceful
seconds before the storm

she's a goddess her eyes of true divine standards
she's a goddess her lips are works of art
she's a goddess her presence gives hungry dogs manners
now she is sound asleep

she's so peaceful
so peaceful
so peaceful
seconds before the storm

but now..
but now..

but now, this madness I fight to keep behind
leaps up front and destroys my mind
and nothing is strong enough to keep this rage inside
I wake her up as another I
(and now) I stare into her terrified eyes
(and now) I calmly gag her terrified cries
(and now) I leave her without even saying goodbye
I'm smiling, I am shaking

oh, what has she done to me
to provoke such fantasies
now I'm all alone in this

and she's so peaceful
so peaceful
so peaceful
she's so peaceful
so peaceful
she's so peaceful
ignorant of the storm

Mirror lyrics:

ignorant of the storm
she's so peaceful
so peaceful
she's so peaceful
so peaceful
so peaceful
and she's so peaceful

now I'm all alone in this
to provoke such fantasies
oh, what has she done to me

I'm smiling, I am shaking
(and now) I leave her without even saying goodbye
(and now) I calmly gag her terrified cries
(and now) I stare into her terrified eyes
I wake her up as another I
and nothing is strong enough to keep this rage inside
leaps up front and destroys my mind
but now, this madness I fight to keep behind

but now..
but now..

seconds before the storm
so peaceful
so peaceful
she's so peaceful

now she is sound asleep
she's a goddess her presence gives hungry dogs manners
she's a goddess her lips are works of art
she's a goddess her eyes of true divine standards

seconds before the storm
so peaceful
she's so peaceful
she's so peaceful

now she is sound asleep
but rule number one never go crazy together
in other times I would have gone by the book
in other times I would have held her forever

now she is sound asleep
she firmly believed,but some beliefs can be fatal
she never believed that I could do anything wrong
She never believed I'd do anything to hurt her

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PPeaceful AAlbum VVersion eaceful lbum ersion ePaceful lAbum eVrsion 0eaceful zlbum bersion 0Peaceful zAlbum bVersion P0eaceful Azlbum Vbersion
leaceful qlbum cersion lPeaceful qAlbum cVersion Pleaceful Aqlbum Vcersion oeaceful slbum gersion oPeaceful sAlbum gVersion Poeaceful Aslbum Vgersion
Peeaceful wlbum fersion Paceful wAlbum fVersion Paeceful Awlbum Vfersion Psaceful xlbum Veersion Pseaceful xAlbum Vrsion Pesaceful Axlbum Vresion
P3aceful Allbum Vsrsion P3eaceful Abum Vsersion Pe3aceful Ablum Vesrsion Pfaceful Akbum V3rsion Pfeaceful Aklbum V3ersion Pefaceful Alkbum Ve3rsion
Praceful Aobum Vfrsion Preaceful Aolbum Peraceful Alobum Vefrsion P4aceful Apbum Vrrsion P4eaceful Aplbum Vrersion Pe4aceful Alpbum Verrsion
Pdaceful Albbum V4rsion Pdeaceful Alum V4ersion Pedaceful Alubm Ve4rsion Pwaceful Alvum Vdrsion Pweaceful Alvbum Vdersion Pewaceful Albvum Vedrsion
Peaaceful Algum Vwrsion Peceful Algbum Vwersion Pecaeful Albgum Vewrsion Pezceful Alnum Pezaceful Alnbum Vesion Peazceful Albnum Vesrion
Peqceful Alhum Vedsion Peqaceful Alhbum Peaqceful Albhum Verdsion Pesceful Albuum Ve4sion Albm Peasceful Albmu Ver4sion
Pewceful Albhm Vegsion Vegrsion Peawceful Albuhm Vergsion Pexceful Alb7m Vetsion Pexaceful Alb7um Vetrsion Peaxceful Albu7m Vertsion
Peacceful Albkm Ve5sion Peaeful Albkum Ve5rsion Peaecful Albukm Ver5sion Peafeful Albim Vefsion Peafceful Albium Peacfeful Albuim Verfsion
Peaxeful Alb8m Veesion Alb8um Peacxeful Albu8m Veresion Peaveful Albjm Verssion Peavceful Albjum Verion Peacveful Albujm Verison
Peadeful Albym Verzion Peadceful Albyum Verzsion Peacdeful Albuym Verszion Peaceeful Albumm Verwion Peacful Albu Verwsion

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