Always Ends (joff's Basement Oslo Dec '01)

Always Ends

When we were kids, whitout a care. Nobody ever held us down.
We tried it all, recless abandoned, we were the venue kings in town
But it went to far, we crossed the line, we ended living on the edge to long.
And no past, no tomorrow, things fallin' apart.
The way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends.
From the goodie of trying to hold on
The way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
I've got to cut you up, the way it always ends
Always ends
Always ends
Heart beats, like a drummer. Pumping poison through my veins.
We hustled anyone that we could find, just to get that fixed.
But I lost my pride, there's nothing left. I've been walking the streets to long
I've got to pull out, go clean. Even if you can't come
The way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends.
From the goodie of trying to hold on
The way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
I've got to cut you up, the way it always ends
Always ends
Always ends

Mirror lyrics:

Always ends
Always ends
I've got to cut you up, the way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends
From the goodie of trying to hold on
The way it always ends.
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends
I've got to pull out, go clean. Even if you can't come
But I lost my pride, there's nothing left. I've been walking the streets to long
We hustled anyone that we could find, just to get that fixed.
Heart beats, like a drummer. Pumping poison through my veins.
Always ends
Always ends
I've got to cut you up, the way it always ends
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends
From the goodie of trying to hold on
The way it always ends.
You're stuck right back were you belong
The way it always ends
And no past, no tomorrow, things fallin' apart.
But it went to far, we crossed the line, we ended living on the edge to long.
We tried it all, recless abandoned, we were the venue kings in town
When we were kids, whitout a care. Nobody ever held us down.

Always Ends

Relevant Tags:
AAlways EEnds ((joff's BBasement OOslo DDec ''01) lways nds joff's asement slo ec 01) lAways nEds j(off's aBsement sOlo eDc 0'1)
zlways snds (jjoff's vasement kslo xec '001) zAlways sEnds (off's vBasement kOslo xDec '1) Azlways Esnds (ojff's Bvasement Okslo Dxec '10)
qlways 3nds (koff's gasement 9slo eec 'p1) qAlways 3Ends (kjoff's gBasement 9Oslo eDec 'p01) Aqlways E3nds (jkoff's Bgasement O9slo Deec '0p1)
slways fnds (ioff's nasement 0slo fec '91) sAlways fEnds (ijoff's nBasement 0Oslo fDec '901) Aslways Efnds (jioff's Bnasement O0slo Dfec '091)
wlways rnds (moff's hasement lslo rec 'o1) wAlways rEnds (mjoff's hBasement lOslo rDec 'o01) Awlways Ernds (jmoff's Bhasement Olslo Drec '0o1)
xlways 4nds (noff's Baasement islo cec '011) xAlways 4Ends (njoff's Bsement iOslo cDec '0) Axlways E4nds (jnoff's Bsaement Oislo Dcec '0)1
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