I Wanna Be Your Wife

once again "see you darlin' " then
you leave me with more than a million doubts
i'll brace myself to tell you about
about you and me I'll be an ordinary lady
but family does mean so much to me
deep inside i got a secret wish I

i wanna be your wife I
I wanna be on your side forever
I wanna be your wife why
why don't we spend our lives together

oh when when you love a man
you're happy sharin' joys and pains sometimes
love will meet mountains to beat to climb
i'll do my best you'll see oh poor me
many things to tell you but there's my pride
stops the words inside
i'll drop you a line I don't wanna see your eyes I


when you read this please don't laugh and then
if you need me I'll be by your side till the end


Mirror lyrics:


if you need me I'll be by your side till the end
when you read this please don't laugh and then


i'll drop you a line I don't wanna see your eyes I
stops the words inside
many things to tell you but there's my pride
i'll do my best you'll see oh poor me
love will meet mountains to beat to climb
you're happy sharin' joys and pains sometimes
oh when when you love a man

why don't we spend our lives together
I wanna be your wife why
I wanna be on your side forever
i wanna be your wife I

deep inside i got a secret wish I
but family does mean so much to me
about you and me I'll be an ordinary lady
i'll brace myself to tell you about
you leave me with more than a million doubts
once again "see you darlin' " then

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna BBe YYour WWife anna e our ife I aWnna eB oYur iWfe j aanna ve gour aife jI aWanna vBe gYour aWife Ij Waanna Bve Ygour Waife
9 3anna ge hour 3ife 9I 3Wanna gBe hYour 3Wife I9 W3anna Bge Yhour W3ife l danna ne 6our dife lI dWanna nBe 6Your dWife Il Wdanna Bne Y6our Wdife
o eanna he uour eife oI eWanna hBe uYour eWife Io Weanna Bhe Yuour Weife k sanna Bee 7our sife kI sWanna B 7Your sWife Ik Wsanna Be Y7our Wsife
8 2anna Bs jour 2ife 8I 2Wanna Bse jYour 2Wife I8 W2anna Bes Yjour W2ife u qanna B3 tour qife uI qWanna B3e tYour qWife Iu Wqanna Be3 Ytour Wqife
Bf Yoour Wiife Wnna Bfe Yur Wfe Wnana Bef Yuor Wfie Wznna Br Ykur Wjfe Wzanna Bre Ykour Wjife Waznna Ber Yokur Wijfe
Wqnna B4 Y9ur W9fe B4e Y9our W9ife Waqnna Be4 Yo9ur Wi9fe Wsnna Bd Y0ur Wlfe Bde Y0our Wlife Wasnna Bed Yo0ur Wilfe
Wwnna Bw Ylur Wofe Wwanna Bwe Ylour Woife Wawnna Bew Yolur Wiofe Wxnna Yiur Wkfe Wxanna Yiour Wkife Waxnna Yoiur Wikfe
Wannna Youur W8fe Wana Yor W8ife Wanna Yoru Wi8fe

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