Sleeze Beez
Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't

Damned If We Do
Damned If We Don't
Damned If We Do
Damned If We Don't

All right

Mama said "Son, don't you be fool
It's time to face the golden rule
Cut your hair, finish school and be all right"

I said "Momma, stop preaching 'bout a nine to five
Three piece suits and all that jive
I really care, so dry your eyes
It's time to live my life"

Oh no
I'm going crazy
Oh no
But I don't care
Oh no

We'll be
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't

Now I'm out on the road
Hey, I'm in your town
I'm in control, you can't get me down
I need a woman, I know what's right
Fighting no more, God knows how I've tried

Oh no
Can you take it?
Oh no
Don't fake it
Oh no

We'll be
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
We're all
Damned if we do, damned if we don't

Oh, now listen
You know what I'm talking about
It's time to lead my life
All the way I want to!

Oh no
Ooh My mommas going crazy
Oh no
My daddy's insane
Oh no

Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Well, I'll be
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Get off my trees
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Can't you see I'm rockin' and rollin'
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
That's right, say bye-bye
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Well, I'll be damned
Damned if we do, damned if we don't

Mirror lyrics:

Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Well, I'll be damned
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
That's right, say bye-bye
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Can't you see I'm rockin' and rollin'
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Get off my trees
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Well, I'll be
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't

Oh no
My daddy's insane
Oh no
Ooh My mommas going crazy
Oh no

All the way I want to!
It's time to lead my life
You know what I'm talking about
Oh, now listen

Damned if we do, damned if we don't
We're all
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
We'll be

Oh no
Don't fake it
Oh no
Can you take it?
Oh no

Fighting no more, God knows how I've tried
I need a woman, I know what's right
I'm in control, you can't get me down
Hey, I'm in your town
Now I'm out on the road

Damned if we do, damned if we don't
Damned if we do, damned if we don't
We'll be

Oh no
But I don't care
Oh no
I'm going crazy
Oh no

It's time to live my life"
I really care, so dry your eyes
Three piece suits and all that jive
I said "Momma, stop preaching 'bout a nine to five

Cut your hair, finish school and be all right"
It's time to face the golden rule
Mama said "Son, don't you be fool

All right

Damned If We Don't
Damned If We Do
Damned If We Don't
Damned If We Do

Relevant Tags:
DDamned IIf WWe DDo, DDamned IIf WWe DDon't amned f e o, amned f e on't aDmned fI eW oD, aDmned fI eW oDn't xamned jf ae xo, xamned jf ae xon't xDamned jIf aWe xDo, xDamned jIf aWe xDon't
Dxamned Ijf Wae Dxo, Dxamned Ijf Wae Dxon't eamned 9f 3e eo, eamned 9f 3e eon't eDamned 9If 3We eDo, eDamned 9If 3We eDon't Deamned I9f W3e Deo, Deamned I9f W3e Deon't famned lf de fo, famned lf de fon't
fDamned lIf dWe fDo, fDamned lIf dWe fDon't Dfamned Ilf Wde Dfo, Dfamned Ilf Wde Dfon't ramned of ee ro, ramned of ee ron't rDamned oIf eWe rDo, rDamned oIf eWe rDon't Dramned Iof Wee Dro, Dramned Iof Wee Dron't
camned kf se co, camned kf se con't cDamned kIf sWe cDo, cDamned kIf sWe cDon't Dcamned Ikf Wse Dco, Dcamned Ikf Wse Dcon't samned 8f 2e so, samned 8f 2e son't sDamned 8If 2We sDo, sDamned 8If 2We sDon't
Dsamned I8f W2e Dso, Dsamned I8f W2e Dson't Daamned uf qe Doo, Daamned uf qe Doon't Dmned uIf qWe D, Dmned uIf qWe Dn't Dmaned Iuf Wqe D,o Dmaned Iuf Wqe Dno't Dzmned Iff Dk, Dzmned Iff Dkn't
Dzamned I W Dko, Dzamned I W Dkon't Dazmned If We Dok, Dazmned If We Dokn't Dqmned Ic Ws D9, Dqmned Ic Ws D9n't Dqamned Icf D9o, Dqamned Icf D9on't Daqmned Ifc Wes Do9, Daqmned Ifc Wes Do9n't
Dsmned Ir W3 D0, Dsmned Ir W3 D0n't Irf D0o, Irf D0on't Dasmned Ifr We3 Do0, Dasmned Ifr We3 Do0n't Dwmned Ig Wf Dl, Dwmned Ig Wf Dln't Dwamned Igf Wfe Dlo, Dwamned Igf Wfe Dlon't
Dawmned Ifg Wef Dol, Dawmned Ifg Wef Doln't Dxmned It Wr Di, Dxmned It Wr Din't Itf Wre Dio, Itf Wre Dion't Daxmned Ift Wer Doi, Daxmned Ift Wer Doin't Dammned Iv W4 Do,, Dammned Iv W4 Donn't
Daned Ivf W4e Do Daned Ivf W4e Do't Danmed Ifv We4 Do, Danmed Ifv We4 Do'nt Dajned Id Wd Dajned Id Wd Dom't Dajmned Idf Dajmned Idf Domn't Damjned Ifd Wed Damjned Ifd Wed Donm't
Dakned Ww Dakned Ww Doh't Dakmned Wwe Dakmned Wwe Dohn't Damkned Wew Damkned Wew Donh't Danned Danned Doj't Danmned Danmned Dojn't
Damnned Damnned Donj't

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