Sleeping With Sirens
In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411

I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
There's hope for you tonight.
I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save your life.

I saw you move from across the room,
I knew who you were.
You act like you are afraid of who you are,
I'm afraid for you.
Try, trust and believe in me.
I can show you that there's so much more.
There's still hope for you.
Let me show you I can save you.

I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
There's hope for you tonight.
I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save your life.

One day you'll open your eyes, take a look inside
I just saved your life.
Just take a look inside,
I hope you know what it's like for you to be alright.
I am for you.

Don't give up just believe I will be right there,
when your hopes and your dreams are on the line.
Don't give up just believe I'll be right by your side,
when your hopes and your dreams are on the line.

I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
There's hope for you tonight.
I can save you
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save your life.

Mirror lyrics:

I can save your life.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you
There's hope for you tonight.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you

when your hopes and your dreams are on the line.
Don't give up just believe I'll be right by your side,
when your hopes and your dreams are on the line.
Don't give up just believe I will be right there,

I am for you.
I hope you know what it's like for you to be alright.
Just take a look inside,
I just saved your life.
One day you'll open your eyes, take a look inside

I can save your life.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you
There's hope for you tonight.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you

Let me show you I can save you.
There's still hope for you.
I can show you that there's so much more.
Try, trust and believe in me.
I'm afraid for you.
You act like you are afraid of who you are,
I knew who you were.
I saw you move from across the room,

I can save your life.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you
There's hope for you tonight.
if you ask me, just ask me to.
I can save you

Relevant Tags:
IIn CCase OOf EEmergency, DDial 4411 n ase f mergency, ial 11 nI aCse fO mEergency, iDal 141 jn fase kf smergency, xial 511 jIn fCase kOf sEmergency, xDial 5411
Ijn Cfase Okf Esmergency, Dxial 4511 9n xase 9f 3mergency, eial e11 9In xCase 9Of 3Emergency, eDial e411 I9n Cxase O9f E3mergency, Deial 4e11 ln vase 0f fmergency, fial r11
lIn vCase 0Of fEmergency, fDial r411 Iln Cvase O0f Efmergency, Dfial 4r11 on dase lf rmergency, rial 311 oIn dCase lOf rEmergency, rDial 3411 Ion Cdase Olf Ermergency, Drial 4311
kn Caase if 4mergency, cial 4111 kIn Cse iOf 4Emergency, cDial 41 Ikn Csae Oif E4mergency, Dcial 411 8n Czse Off dmergency, sial 421 8In Czase O dEmergency, sDial 4211
I8n Cazse Of Edmergency, Dsial 4121 un Cqse Oc wmergency, Diial 4q1 uIn Cqase Ocf wEmergency, Dal 4q11 Iun Caqse Ofc Ewmergency, Dail 41q1 Inn Csse Or Emmergency, Djal
I Csase Orf Eergency, Djial In Casse Ofr Eemrgency, Dijal Im Cwse Og Ejergency, D9al 412 Imn Cwase Ogf Ejmergency, D9ial Inm Cawse Ofg Emjergency, Di9al 4112
Ih Cxse Ot Ekergency, Dlal 41q Ihn Otf Ekmergency, Dlial Inh Caxse Oft Emkergency, Dilal 411q Ij Ov Energency, Doal Cae Ovf Enmergency, Doial
Inj Caes Ofv Emnergency, Dioal Ib Caze Od Emeergency, Dkal Ibn Odf Emrgency, Dkial Inb Casze Ofd Emregency, Dikal Cawe Emsrgency, D8al
Emsergency, D8ial Caswe Emesrgency, Di8al Cade Em3rgency, Dual Cadse Em3ergency, Duial Casde Eme3rgency, Diual
Caee Emfrgency, Diaal Caese Emfergency, Dil Casee Emefrgency, Dila Caxe Emrrgency, Dizl Emrergency, Dizal
Casxe Emerrgency, Diazl Caae Em4rgency, Diql Em4ergency, Diqal Casae Eme4rgency, Diaql Emdrgency, Disl
Cas Emdergency, Disal Case Emedrgency, Diasl Cass Emwrgency, Diwl Emwergency, Diwal Cases Emewrgency, Diawl
Cas3 Dixl Cas3e Emegency, Dixal Case3 Emegrency, Diaxl Casf Emedgency, Diall Casfe Dia
Casef Emerdgency, Dial Casr Eme4gency, Diak Casre Diakl Caser Emer4gency, Dialk Cas4 Emeggency, Diao
Cas4e Emegrgency, Diaol Case4 Emerggency, Dialo Casd Emetgency, Diap Emetrgency, Diapl Cased Emertgency, Dialp
Casw Eme5gency, Eme5rgency, Casew Emer5gency, Emefgency, Emerfgency,
Emeegency, Emeregency, Emerency, Emeregncy, Emerhency,

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