Inside The Sun

Travelling toward the atomic sky
Passing through the wall of light we fly
To the center of the sun we go
Discovering secrets no one else has known
Within the center of the galaxy
Away from Earth and all its misery

Travelling toward the atomic sky
Passing through the wall of light we fly
Toward the center of the sun we go
Discovering secrets no one else has known
Within the center of the galaxy
Away from Earth and all its misery
Pressing on into the burning sky
Burning spaceship it's time to die

Our ship explodes
Our work is done
We've left our lives
Inside the sun

Mirror lyrics:

Inside the sun
We've left our lives
Our work is done
Our ship explodes

Burning spaceship it's time to die
Pressing on into the burning sky
Away from Earth and all its misery
Within the center of the galaxy
Discovering secrets no one else has known
Toward the center of the sun we go
Passing through the wall of light we fly
Travelling toward the atomic sky

Away from Earth and all its misery
Within the center of the galaxy
Discovering secrets no one else has known
To the center of the sun we go
Passing through the wall of light we fly
Travelling toward the atomic sky

Relevant Tags:
IInside TThe SSun nside he un nIside hTe uSn jnside fhe zun jInside fThe zSun Ijnside Tfhe Szun 9nside 5he wun 9Inside 5The wSun
I9nside T5he Swun lnside hhe dun lInside hThe dSun Ilnside Thhe Sdun onside yhe eun oInside yThe eSun Ionside Tyhe Seun knside 6he xun
kInside 6The xSun Iknside T6he Sxun 8nside ghe aun 8Inside gThe aSun I8nside Tghe Saun unside rhe Suun uInside rThe Sn Iunside Trhe Snu
Innside Shn Iside Te Shun Isnide Teh Suhn Imside Tje S7n Imnside Tjhe S7un Inmside Thje Su7n Ihside Tue Skn Ihnside Tuhe Skun
Inhside Thue Sukn Ijside Tne Sin Tnhe Siun Injside Thne Suin Ibside Tbe S8n Ibnside Tbhe S8un Inbside Thbe Su8n Insside Tge Sjn
Inide Sjun Inisde Thge Sujn Inzide Tye Syn Inzside Syun Inszide Thye Suyn Inwide Thee Sunn Inwside Th Su Inswide The Sun
Indide Ths Sum Indside Thse Sumn Insdide Thes Sunm Ineide Th3 Suh Ineside Th3e Inseide The3 Sunh Inxide Thf Suj Inxside Thfe
Insxide Thef Sunj Inaide Thr Sub Inaside Thre Subn Insaide Ther Sunb Insiide Th4 Insde Th4e

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