The Party Song

This is a signal
You will hear us but you will never see us
We don't mean business

We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do

We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do

We wish you all good news
This is not a commercial

We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do

We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do

Mirror lyrics:

Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah

Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah

This is not a commercial
We wish you all good news

Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah

Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah
Dancin' is all you've got to do
We'd like to party with you, yeah

We don't mean business
You will hear us but you will never see us
This is a signal

Relevant Tags:
TThe PParty SSong he arty ong hTe aPrty oSng fhe 0arty zong fThe 0Party zSong Tfhe P0arty Szong 5he larty wong 5The lParty wSong
T5he Plarty Swong hhe oarty dong hThe oParty dSong Thhe Poarty Sdong yhe Paarty eong yThe Prty eSong Tyhe Praty Seong 6he Pzrty xong
6The Pzarty xSong T6he Pazrty Sxong ghe Pqrty aong gThe Pqarty aSong Tghe Paqrty Saong rhe Psrty Soong rThe Psarty Sng Trhe Pasrty Snog
Pwrty Skng Te Pwarty Skong Teh Pawrty Sokng Tje Pxrty S9ng Tjhe Pxarty S9ong Thje Paxrty So9ng Tue Parrty S0ng Tuhe Paty S0ong
Thue Patry So0ng Tne Padty Slng Tnhe Padrty Slong Thne Pardty Solng Tbe Pa4ty Sing Tbhe Pa4rty Siong Thbe Par4ty Soing Tge Pagty Sonng
Pagrty Sog Thge Pargty Sogn Tye Patty Somg Patrty Somng Thye Partty Sonmg Thee Pa5ty Sohg

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