Slam The Hammer Down


NODDY (scream) from helicopter:

Hey you - you up there
Yeh you - can you hear me
I said, I said - can you hear me
Don't you listen to me, when I'm talking to you?
If you can't go for it - you can't go for it - good!
And that means you walk a new way - for what new's gonna comin'!

She's a cool kinda mama
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
When your pistons are pumping
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
Oh when your body starts to shake
It's time to loosen off the brake
And ram it down

Push the pedal to the metal
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
Gonna burn up the rubber
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
The checkered flag won't make you stop
You keep on going 'til you drop
And ramming it down

Keep a moving and motor racing
And the wheels go round and round
Oh when you win you'll be celebrating
Ready to slam the hammer on down

Got a flash little chassis
Screams when you slam the hammer down
First, second, third and fourth
Into top and ram the hammer down
You know it's getting all too much
When you're letting out the clutch
And ramming it down

Keep a moving, accelerating
And you're waiting to face the crowd
Now you're opening up a wide gap
Ready to slam the hammer on down

Yeah - yeah - yeah - yeh, yeh, yeh!
You dun alright - you dun alright!
You dun alright - you dun alright!

Oh she's a cool kinda mama
Sure gonna slam the hammer on down
Get it up and ram it up
And baby gonna ram the hammer down
When you loosen off the brake
Oh when you're body starts to shake
Fill her up with juice then baby
Gonna slam the hammer down

Yeah, oh ah!

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, oh ah!

Gonna slam the hammer down
Fill her up with juice then baby
Oh when you're body starts to shake
When you loosen off the brake
And baby gonna ram the hammer down
Get it up and ram it up
Sure gonna slam the hammer on down
Oh she's a cool kinda mama

You dun alright - you dun alright!
You dun alright - you dun alright!
Yeah - yeah - yeah - yeh, yeh, yeh!

Ready to slam the hammer on down
Now you're opening up a wide gap
And you're waiting to face the crowd
Keep a moving, accelerating

And ramming it down
When you're letting out the clutch
You know it's getting all too much
Into top and ram the hammer down
First, second, third and fourth
Screams when you slam the hammer down
Got a flash little chassis

Ready to slam the hammer on down
Oh when you win you'll be celebrating
And the wheels go round and round
Keep a moving and motor racing

And ramming it down
You keep on going 'til you drop
The checkered flag won't make you stop
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
Gonna burn up the rubber
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
Push the pedal to the metal

And ram it down
It's time to loosen off the brake
Oh when your body starts to shake
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
When your pistons are pumping
Sure gonna slam the hammer down
She's a cool kinda mama

And that means you walk a new way - for what new's gonna comin'!
If you can't go for it - you can't go for it - good!
Don't you listen to me, when I'm talking to you?
I said, I said - can you hear me
Yeh you - can you hear me
Hey you - you up there

NODDY (scream) from helicopter:


Relevant Tags:
SSlam TThe HHammer DDown lam he ammer own lSam hTe aHmmer oDwn zlam fhe jammer xown zSlam fThe jHammer xDown Szlam Tfhe Hjammer Dxown
wlam 5he uammer eown wSlam 5The uHammer eDown Swlam T5he Huammer Deown dlam hhe nammer fown dSlam hThe nHammer fDown Sdlam Thhe Hnammer Dfown
elam yhe bammer rown eSlam yThe bHammer rDown Selam Tyhe Hbammer Drown xlam 6he gammer cown xSlam 6The gHammer cDown Sxlam T6he Hgammer Dcown
alam ghe yammer sown aSlam gThe yHammer sDown Salam Tghe Hyammer Dsown Sllam rhe Haammer Doown Sam rThe Hmmer Dwn Salm Trhe Hmamer Dwon
Skam Hzmmer Dkwn Sklam Te Hzammer Dkown Slkam Teh Hazmmer Dokwn Soam Tje Hqmmer D9wn Solam Tjhe Hqammer D9own Sloam Thje Haqmmer Do9wn
Spam Tue Hsmmer D0wn Splam Tuhe Hsammer D0own Slpam Thue Hasmmer Do0wn Slaam Tne Hwmmer Dlwn Slm Tnhe Hwammer Dlown Slma Thne Hawmmer Dolwn
Slzm Tbe Hxmmer Diwn Slzam Tbhe Hxammer Diown Slazm Thbe Haxmmer Doiwn Slqm Tge Hammmer Dowwn Slqam Hamer Don Slaqm Thge Hammer Donw
Slsm Tye Hajmer Doan Slsam Hajmmer Doawn Slasm Thye Hamjmer Dowan Slwm Thee Hakmer Do3n Slwam Th Hakmmer Do3wn Slawm The Hamkmer Dow3n
Slxm Ths Hanmer Dodn Slxam Thse Hanmmer Dodwn

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