Here's To The New Year

Hey lads and lasses come raise up your glasses
Make sure they're filled up to the hilt
Going on the brink again
Buy me a drink then I'll show you what's under my kilt

So here's to the New Year
Here's to yourself
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to your health

Hey lads and lasses come raise up your glasses
The parties been rockin' all day
Going on in midnight
And all of us getting tight Big Ben is backin' away

So here's to the New Year
Here's to yourself
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to your health

One more wee toddy in our many bodies
I hope she's the same over there
We're gonna let the New Year in
What a noise what a din all put your hands in the air

So here's to the New Year
Here's to yourself
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to your health

Here's to the New Year
Here's to yourself
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to your health

Mirror lyrics:

Here's to your health
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to yourself
Here's to the New Year

Here's to your health
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to yourself
So here's to the New Year

What a noise what a din all put your hands in the air
We're gonna let the New Year in
I hope she's the same over there
One more wee toddy in our many bodies

Here's to your health
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to yourself
So here's to the New Year

And all of us getting tight Big Ben is backin' away
Going on in midnight
The parties been rockin' all day
Hey lads and lasses come raise up your glasses

Here's to your health
Cheers to you far and near
Here's to yourself
So here's to the New Year

Buy me a drink then I'll show you what's under my kilt
Going on the brink again
Make sure they're filled up to the hilt
Hey lads and lasses come raise up your glasses

Relevant Tags:
HHere's TTo TThe NNew YYear ere's o he ew ear eHre's oT hTe eNw eYar jere's fo fhe mew gear jHere's fTo fThe mNew gYear Hjere's Tfo Tfhe Nmew Ygear
uere's 5o 5he hew hear uHere's 5To 5The hNew hYear Huere's T5o T5he Nhew Yhear nere's ho hhe jew 6ear nHere's hTo hThe jNew 6Year Hnere's Tho Thhe Njew Y6ear
bere's yo yhe bew uear bHere's yTo yThe bNew uYear Hbere's Tyo Tyhe Nbew Yuear gere's 6o 6he Neew 7ear gHere's 6To 6The Nw 7Year Hgere's T6o T6he Nwe Y7ear
yere's go ghe Nsw jear yHere's gTo gThe Nsew jYear Hyere's Tgo Tghe Nesw Yjear Heere's ro rhe N3w tear Hre's rTo rThe N3ew tYear Hree's Tro Trhe Ne3w Ytear
Hsre's Too Nfw Yeear Hsere's T Te Nfew Yar Hesre's To Teh Nefw Yaer H3re's Tk Tje Nrw Ysar H3ere's Tko Tjhe Nrew Ysear He3re's Tok Thje Nerw Yesar
Hfre's T9 Tue N4w Y3ar Hfere's T9o Tuhe N4ew Y3ear Hefre's To9 Thue Ne4w Ye3ar Hrre's T0 Tne Ndw Yfar Hrere's T0o Tnhe Ndew Yfear Herre's To0 Thne Nedw Yefar
H4re's Tl Tbe Nww Yrar H4ere's Tlo Tbhe Nwew Yrear He4re's Tol Thbe Neww Yerar Hdre's Ti Tge Y4ar Hdere's Tio Ne Y4ear Hedre's Toi Thge New Ye4ar
Hwre's Tye Nea Ydar Hwere's Neaw Ydear Hewre's Thye Newa Yedar Thee Ne3 Ywar Hee's Th Ywear Heer's The New3 Yewar
Hede's Ths Ned Yeaar Thse Yer Herde's Thes Newd Yera He4e's Th3 Nee Yezr Th3e Yezar Her4e's The3 Newe Yeazr

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