Fragments Of Time

Time is our master and only time can tell
If the prophecy will be fulfilled
Travel by night and fear the day
Here the legend begins
When aggression meets chaos destruction begins
It's a battle you just have to win
The spell is not broken, the battle is not won
This ancient foretold story has begun
Fragments of time creating unholy patterns
As reality fades life is moving backwards
Follow the path you believe in
Continue to fight until victory is here
Join us in celebration
Your land is lost and shall forever be

Mirror lyrics:

Your land is lost and shall forever be
Join us in celebration
Continue to fight until victory is here
Follow the path you believe in
As reality fades life is moving backwards
Fragments of time creating unholy patterns
This ancient foretold story has begun
The spell is not broken, the battle is not won
It's a battle you just have to win
When aggression meets chaos destruction begins
Here the legend begins
Travel by night and fear the day
If the prophecy will be fulfilled
Time is our master and only time can tell

Relevant Tags:
FFragments OOf TTime ragments f ime rFagments fO iTme cragments kf fime cFragments kOf fTime Fcragments Okf Tfime
rragments 9f 5ime rFragments 9Of 5Time Frragments O9f T5ime gragments 0f hime gFragments 0Of hTime Fgragments O0f Thime
tragments lf yime tFragments lOf yTime Ftragments Olf Tyime vragments if 6ime vFragments iOf 6Time Fvragments Oif T6ime
dragments Off gime dFragments O gTime Fdragments Of Tgime Oc rime Fagments Ocf rTime Fargments Ofc Trime
Fdagments Or Tiime Orf Tme Frdagments Ofr Tmie F4agments Og Tjme F4ragments Ogf Tjime Fr4agments Ofg Tijme
Fgagments Ot T9me Otf T9ime Frgagments Oft Ti9me Ftagments Ov Tlme Ovf Tlime Frtagments Ofv Tilme
F5agments Od Tome F5ragments Odf Toime Fr5agments Ofd Tiome Ffagments Tkme Ffragments Tkime Frfagments Tikme
Feagments T8me Feragments T8ime Freagments Ti8me Fraagments Tume Frgments Tuime Frgaments Tiume
Frzgments Timme Frzagments Tie Frazgments Tiem Frqgments Tije Frqagments Fraqgments Timje
Frsgments Tike Frsagments Frasgments Timke Frwgments Tine Frwagments Tinme Frawgments Timne
Frxgments Timee Frxagments Tim Fraxgments Time Fraggments Tims Framents Timse Framgents Times
Frahments Tim3 Frahgments Tim3e Fraghments Time3 Frayments Timf Fraygments Timfe Fragyments Timef
Frabments Timr Frabgments Timre Fragbments Timer Fravments Tim4 Fravgments Tim4e Fragvments Time4
Frafments Timd Frafgments Timde Fragfments Timed Fratments Timw Fratgments Timwe Fragtments Timew
Fragmments Fragents Fragemnts Fragjents

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