K K K K Come On

[Robot voice] K K K K come on
[Robot voice] K K K K come on
[Robot voice] K K K K come on
[Fade Outro]

Mirror lyrics:

[Fade Outro]
[Robot voice] K K K K come on
[Robot voice] K K K K come on
[Robot voice] K K K K come on

Relevant Tags:
KK KK KK KK CCome OOn ome n K K K K oCme nO l l l l fome kn lK lK lK lK fCome kOn Kl Kl Kl Kl Cfome Okn o o o o xome 9n
oK oK oK oK xCome 9On Ko Ko Ko Ko Cxome O9n m m m m vome 0n mK mK mK mK vCome 0On Km Km Km Km Cvome O0n j j j j dome ln jK jK jK jK dCome lOn
Kj Kj Kj Kj Cdome Oln i i i i Coome in iK iK iK iK Cme iOn Ki Ki Ki Ki Cmoe Oin Ckme Onn Ckome O Cokme On
C9me Om C9ome Omn Co9me Onm C0me Oh C0ome Ohn Co0me Onh Clme Oj
Clome Ojn Colme Onj Cime Ob Ciome Obn Coime Onb Comme

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