Peace And Quiet

don't take that away from me...

i want the better life you promised
it would come to me in the end
you say it's not that far away
from my hands

all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
don't take that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
you took that away from me

you said you were on my side
where were you where were you
all the nights i cried
you've hurt me so
to hear you talk that way you walk away
all i want to know is where you are

all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
don't take that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
you took that away from me

all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
don't take that away from me...

Mirror lyrics:

don't take that away from me...
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet

you took that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
don't take that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet

all i want to know is where you are
to hear you talk that way you walk away
you've hurt me so
all the nights i cried
where were you where were you
you said you were on my side

you took that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet
don't take that away from me
all i ever wanted was some peace and quiet

from my hands
you say it's not that far away
it would come to me in the end
i want the better life you promised

don't take that away from me...

Relevant Tags:
PPeace AAnd QQuiet eace nd uiet ePace nAd uQiet 0eace znd auiet 0Peace zAnd aQuiet P0eace Aznd Qauiet leace qnd 2uiet
lPeace qAnd 2Quiet Pleace Aqnd Q2uiet oeace snd wuiet oPeace sAnd wQuiet Poeace Asnd Qwuiet Peeace wnd suiet Pace wAnd sQuiet
Paece Awnd Qsuiet Psace xnd 1uiet Pseace xAnd 1Quiet Pesace Axnd Q1uiet P3ace Annd Quuiet P3eace Ad Qiet Pe3ace Adn Qiuet
Pface Amd Qhiet Pfeace Amnd Qhuiet Peface Anmd Quhiet Prace Ahd Q7iet Preace Ahnd Q7uiet Perace Anhd Qu7iet P4ace Ajd Qkiet
P4eace Ajnd Qkuiet Pe4ace Anjd Qukiet Pdace Abd Qiiet Pdeace Abnd Qiuiet Pedace Anbd Quiiet Pwace Andd Q8iet Pweace An Q8uiet
Pewace And Qu8iet Peaace Anx Qjiet Pece Anxd Qjuiet Pecae Andx Qujiet Pezce Ane Qyiet Pezace Aned Qyuiet Peazce Ande Quyiet
Peqce Anf Peqace Anfd Quet Peaqce Andf Queit Pesce Anr Qujet Anrd Peasce Andr Quijet Pewce Anc Qu9et
Ancd Qu9iet Peawce Andc Qui9et Pexce Ans Qulet Pexace Ansd Quliet Peaxce Ands Quilet

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