Skinny Puppy
Use Less

Are we alone?
Mission complete
To the unknown
This is a story
This is so sorry
[Hard as a stone]
Sunk in to deep
Run out of air
Lung full of heavy
It's feeling heavy
Room for one
Fossil to break
Labor of hate
Who are we fooling?
What are we doing?
[In it on time]
[Proof in the meat]
Time to consume
Doesn't concern me
Under a flag free
Are we all completely useless?
Are we?Are we?
End is unknown
Sick and alone
This is a dream
Meant as a nice thing
Meant as a nice thing
So pause at the end
Cause the effect
Shorten the pain

Mirror lyrics:

Shorten the pain
Cause the effect
So pause at the end
Meant as a nice thing
Meant as a nice thing
This is a dream
Sick and alone
End is unknown
Are we?Are we?
Are we all completely useless?
Under a flag free
Doesn't concern me
Time to consume
[Proof in the meat]
[In it on time]
What are we doing?
Who are we fooling?
Labor of hate
Fossil to break
Room for one
It's feeling heavy
Lung full of heavy
Run out of air
Sunk in to deep
[Hard as a stone]
This is so sorry
This is a story
To the unknown
Mission complete
Are we alone?

Relevant Tags:
UUse LLess se ess sUe eLss hse kess hUse kLess Uhse Lkess 7se oess 7Use oLess U7se Loess kse pess kUse pLess
Ukse Lpess ise Leess iUse Lss Uise Lses 8se Lsss 8Use Lsess U8se Lesss jse L3ss jUse L3ess Ujse Le3ss yse Lfss
yUse Lfess Uyse Lefss Usse Lrss Ue Lress Ues Lerss Uze L4ss Uzse L4ess Usze Le4ss Uwe Ldss Uwse Ldess Uswe Ledss

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