Smile Empty Soul
Better Off Alone

Starting with a whisper turning into screams
Of words that only blister
I thought that I had missed her but only in my dreams
So I'll drink this bottle of Listerine

To try and numb the pain
A bullet to the brain

This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you

I feel like such a loser playing in this game
To make sure I don't lose her
I think I'm just afraid of facing anything
So I'll drink this bottle of Listerine

To try and numb the pain
A bullet to the brain

This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you

Pass me a shot to calm my fear
Take me anywhere but here
Pass me a shot to calm my fear
Help me

To try and numb the pain
A bullet to the brain

This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone

A bullet to the brain
To try and numb the pain

Help me
Pass me a shot to calm my fear
Take me anywhere but here
Pass me a shot to calm my fear

I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone

A bullet to the brain
To try and numb the pain

So I'll drink this bottle of Listerine
I think I'm just afraid of facing anything
To make sure I don't lose her
I feel like such a loser playing in this game

I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This heart inside me is turning to stone
I'm better off alone than nailed to you
This fighting tells me that I'm better off alone

A bullet to the brain
To try and numb the pain

So I'll drink this bottle of Listerine
I thought that I had missed her but only in my dreams
Of words that only blister
Starting with a whisper turning into screams

Relevant Tags:
BBetter OOff AAlone etter ff lone eBtter fOf lAone vetter kff zlone vBetter kOff zAlone Bvetter Okff Azlone getter 9ff qlone
gBetter 9Off qAlone Bgetter O9ff Aqlone netter 0ff slone nBetter 0Off sAlone Bnetter O0ff Aslone hetter lff wlone hBetter lOff wAlone
Bhetter Olff Awlone Beetter iff xlone Btter iOff xAlone Bteter Oiff Axlone Bstter Offf Allone Bsetter Of Aone Bestter Off Aolne
B3tter Ocf Akone B3etter Ocff Aklone Be3tter Ofcf Alkone Bftter Orf Aoone Bfetter Orff Aolone Beftter Ofrf Aloone Brtter Ogf Apone
Bretter Ogff Aplone Bertter Ofgf Alpone B4tter Otf B4etter Otff Alne Be4tter Oftf Alnoe Bdtter Ovf Alkne Bdetter Ovff
Bedtter Ofvf Alokne Bwtter Odf Al9ne Bwetter Odff Al9one Bewtter Ofdf Alo9ne Bettter Al0ne Beter Al0one Better Alo0ne
Befter Ofc Allne Betfter Offc Alolne Be5ter Ofr Aline Be5tter Alione Bet5ter Offr Aloine Behter Ofg Alonne Behtter Aloe
Bethter Offg Aloen Beyter Oft Alome Beytter Alomne Betyter Offt Alonme Be6ter Ofv Alohe Be6tter Alohne Bet6ter Offv Alonhe
Begter Ofd Aloje

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