Smashing Pumpkins

Should I know what we're missing
What's to stop what they're missing
To feel love, to be in love all around

Anyone can hold a promise
Not everyone
Can feel honoured
To be in love, to feel love all around

Turn me on, hear me speak
Let me be what I need
You're enough for me

Many times while you sleep
I'm dreaming of what to keep
To know your wish, to hold it true
To slay the things that trouble you

Turn me on, out of reach
Listen here, feel me
Just believe, just believe you'll see

To feel love
To be in love all around

Hold the truth if you want it
If you don't, I won't flaunt it
To feel love, to be in love all around

When you're young you can promise
Anything that you wanted
To be in love, to feel love all around

Turn me on, let me speak
From my heart I receive
Plain happiness, just happiness
You and me

To feel love
To be in love all around
To be in love
To feel love all around
To feel love
To be in love all around
To be in love
To feel love all around

I know your wish, I hold it true (feel love all around)
To hide the things that trouble you (feel love all around)
Turn me on out of reach (feel love all around)
Let me speak all my peace (feel love all around)
Just believe what you keep (feel love all around)
You'll never need to hurry me (feel love all around)

To feel love
To be in love all around
To be in love
To feel love all around
To feel love
To be in love all around
To be in love
To feel love all around

Mirror lyrics:

To feel love all around
To be in love
To be in love all around
To feel love
To feel love all around
To be in love
To be in love all around
To feel love

You'll never need to hurry me (feel love all around)
Just believe what you keep (feel love all around)
Let me speak all my peace (feel love all around)
Turn me on out of reach (feel love all around)
To hide the things that trouble you (feel love all around)
I know your wish, I hold it true (feel love all around)

To feel love all around
To be in love
To be in love all around
To feel love
To feel love all around
To be in love
To be in love all around
To feel love

You and me
Plain happiness, just happiness
From my heart I receive
Turn me on, let me speak

To be in love, to feel love all around
Anything that you wanted
When you're young you can promise

To feel love, to be in love all around
If you don't, I won't flaunt it
Hold the truth if you want it

To be in love all around
To feel love

Just believe, just believe you'll see
Listen here, feel me
Turn me on, out of reach

To slay the things that trouble you
To know your wish, to hold it true
I'm dreaming of what to keep
Many times while you sleep

You're enough for me
Let me be what I need
Turn me on, hear me speak

To be in love, to feel love all around
Can feel honoured
Not everyone
Anyone can hold a promise

To feel love, to be in love all around
What's to stop what they're missing
Should I know what we're missing

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