Smiley Kids
Love Your Enimies

You looked me in the eye,
just as you stabbed me in the back,
and i was so angry so scared, ya,
you humiliated me me and smashed my pride
down to the ground and i am so thankful, so lucky

Love your enimies even though they hate your guts,ya
love your enimies even though they make me cry

You hit me on the cheek, so i turned the other one
and you spat on me, you spread these rumors about me
and say bad things behind my back, and i am so happy,
i'm still smiling!

Mirror lyrics:

i'm still smiling!
and say bad things behind my back, and i am so happy,
and you spat on me, you spread these rumors about me
You hit me on the cheek, so i turned the other one

love your enimies even though they make me cry
Love your enimies even though they hate your guts,ya

down to the ground and i am so thankful, so lucky
you humiliated me me and smashed my pride
and i was so angry so scared, ya,
just as you stabbed me in the back,
You looked me in the eye,

Relevant Tags:
LLove YYour EEnimies ove our nimies oLve oYur nEimies kove gour snimies kLove gYour sEnimies Lkove Ygour Esnimies
oove hour 3nimies oLove hYour 3Enimies Loove Yhour E3nimies pove 6our fnimies pLove 6Your fEnimies Lpove Y6our Efnimies
uour rnimies Lve uYour rEnimies Lvoe Yuour Ernimies Lkve 7our 4nimies 7Your 4Enimies Lokve Y7our E4nimies
L9ve jour dnimies L9ove jYour dEnimies Lo9ve Yjour Ednimies L0ve tour wnimies L0ove tYour wEnimies Lo0ve Ytour Ewnimies
Llve Yoour Ennimies Llove Yur Eimies Lolve Yuor Einmies Live Ykur Emimies Liove Ykour Emnimies Loive Yokur Enmimies
Lovve Y9ur Ehimies Loe Y9our Ehnimies Loev Yo9ur Enhimies Lobe Y0ur Ejimies Lobve Y0our Ejnimies Lovbe Yo0ur Enjimies
Loce Ylur Ebimies Locve Ylour Ebnimies Lovce Yolur Enbimies Loge Yiur Eniimies Logve Yiour Enmies Lovge Yoiur Enmiies
Lofe Youur Enjmies Lofve Yor Lovfe Yoru Enijmies Lovee Yohr En9mies Lov Yohur En9imies Love Youhr Eni9mies
Lovs Yo7r Enlmies Lovse Yo7ur Enlimies Loves You7r Enilmies Lov3 Yokr Enomies Lov3e Enoimies Love3 Youkr Eniomies
Lovf Yoir Enkmies Enkimies Lovef Youir Enikmies Lovr Yo8r En8mies Lovre Yo8ur En8imies Lover You8r Eni8mies
Lov4 Yojr Enumies Lov4e Yojur Enuimies Love4 Youjr Eniumies Lovd Yoyr Enimmies Lovde Yoyur Eniies Loved Youyr Eniimes
Lovw Yourr Enijies Lovwe You

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