Skeeter Davis
Who Am I

(Charles Goodman)

When I think of how he came so far from glory
Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
To suffer shame and such disgrace on Mount Calvary take my place
Then I ask myself a question who am I.

Who am I that the King would bleed and die for
Who am I that he would pray not my will line for
The answer I may never know why he ever loved me so
But to that old rugged cross he'd go for who am I.

--- Instrumental ---

When I'm reminded of his words I'll leave him never
Just be true I'll give to you a life forever
I wonder what I could have done to deserve God's only son
Fight my battles till they're won who am I.

Who am I that the King would bleed and die for
Who am I that he would pray not my will line for
The answer I may never know why he ever loved me so
But to that old rugged cross he'd go for who am I...

Mirror lyrics:

But to that old rugged cross he'd go for who am I...
The answer I may never know why he ever loved me so
Who am I that he would pray not my will line for
Who am I that the King would bleed and die for

Fight my battles till they're won who am I.
I wonder what I could have done to deserve God's only son
Just be true I'll give to you a life forever
When I'm reminded of his words I'll leave him never

--- Instrumental ---

But to that old rugged cross he'd go for who am I.
The answer I may never know why he ever loved me so
Who am I that he would pray not my will line for
Who am I that the King would bleed and die for

Then I ask myself a question who am I.
To suffer shame and such disgrace on Mount Calvary take my place
Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
When I think of how he came so far from glory

(Charles Goodman)

Relevant Tags:
WWho AAm II ho m hWo mA I aho zm j aWho zAm jI Waho Azm Ij 3ho qm 9 3Who qAm 9I W3ho Aqm I9 dho sm l dWho sAm lI
Wdho Asm Il eho wm o eWho wAm oI Weho Awm Io sho xm k sWho xAm kI Wsho Axm Ik 2ho Amm 8 2Who A 8I W2ho Am I8 qho Aj u
qWho Ajm uI Wqho Amj Iu Whho Ak Wo Akm Woh Amk Wjo An Wjho Anm Whjo Amn Wuo Wuho

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