Skeeter Davis
What Does It Take To Keep A Man Like You Satisfied

(Jim Glaser)

I guess my lovin' just ain't good enough for you
'Cause every time I turn my head you look at someone new
Your kind don't like walking, babe, you just want an easy ride
What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.

--- Instrumental ---

You've got a plan in mind to make things come your way
I wonder if it's worth the price you're gonna have to pay
'Cause life is cold and lonely when your self respect has died
What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.

--- Instrumental ---

You think you need more love than any other man
Someday you'll taste your cup of life and find it filled with sand.

And then you'll have to turn and face the man within
From where I stand, I don't think you'll be proud of where you been
And when you're running from yourself, there's just no place to hide
What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.

--- Instrumental ---

What does it take, to keep a man like you, satisfied.
What does it take...

Mirror lyrics:

What does it take...
What does it take, to keep a man like you, satisfied.

--- Instrumental ---

What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.
And when you're running from yourself, there's just no place to hide
From where I stand, I don't think you'll be proud of where you been
And then you'll have to turn and face the man within

Someday you'll taste your cup of life and find it filled with sand.
You think you need more love than any other man

--- Instrumental ---

What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.
'Cause life is cold and lonely when your self respect has died
I wonder if it's worth the price you're gonna have to pay
You've got a plan in mind to make things come your way

--- Instrumental ---

What does it take to keep a man like you satisfied.
Your kind don't like walking, babe, you just want an easy ride
'Cause every time I turn my head you look at someone new
I guess my lovin' just ain't good enough for you

(Jim Glaser)

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