Skeeter Davis
How Long Has It Been

(Mosie Lister)

How long has it been since you talked with the Lord
And told him your heart's hidden secrets
How long since you prayed how long since you stayed
On your knees till the light shone through.

How long has it been since your mind felt at ease
How long since your heart knew no burden
Can you call him your friend how long has it been
Since you knew that he cared for you.

--- Instrumental ---

How long has it been since you knelt by your bed
And prayed to the Lord up in heaven
How long since you knew that he'd asnewer you
And would keep you the long night through.

How long has it been since you woke with the dawn
And felt that life was worth living
Can you call him your friend how long has it been
Since you knew that he cared for you.

Do you know that he cares for you...

Mirror lyrics:

Do you know that he cares for you...

Since you knew that he cared for you.
Can you call him your friend how long has it been
And felt that life was worth living
How long has it been since you woke with the dawn

And would keep you the long night through.
How long since you knew that he'd asnewer you
And prayed to the Lord up in heaven
How long has it been since you knelt by your bed

--- Instrumental ---

Since you knew that he cared for you.
Can you call him your friend how long has it been
How long since your heart knew no burden
How long has it been since your mind felt at ease

On your knees till the light shone through.
How long since you prayed how long since you stayed
And told him your heart's hidden secrets
How long has it been since you talked with the Lord

(Mosie Lister)

Relevant Tags:
HHow LLong HHas IIt BBeen ow ong as t een oHw oLng aHs tI eBen jow kong jas jt veen jHow kLong jHas jIt vBeen Hjow Lkong Hjas Ijt Bveen
uow oong uas 9t geen uHow oLong uHas 9It gBeen Huow Loong Huas I9t Bgeen now pong nas lt neen nHow pLong nHas lIt nBeen Hnow Lpong Hnas Ilt Bneen
bow bas ot heen bHow Lng bHas oIt hBeen Hbow Lnog Hbas Iot Bheen gow Lkng gas kt Beeen gHow gHas kIt Ben Hgow Lokng Hgas Ikt Been
yow L9ng yas 8t Bsen yHow L9ong yHas 8It Bseen Hyow Lo9ng Hyas I8t Besen Hoow L0ng Haas ut B3en Hw L0ong Hs uIt B3een Hwo Lo0ng Hsa Iut Be3en
Hkw Llng Hzs Itt Bfen Hkow Llong Hzas I Bfeen Hokw Lolng Hazs It Befen H9w Ling Hqs If Bren H9ow Liong Hqas Ift Breen Ho9w Loing Haqs Itf Beren
H0w Lonng Hss I5 B4en H0ow Log Hsas I5t B4een Ho0w Logn Hass It5 Be4en Hlw Lomg Hws Ih Bden

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