Skeeter Davis
He Wakes Me With A Kiss Every Morning

(Dallas Frazier - Arthur Leo Owens)

He wakes me with a kiss every morning
And he loves me to sleep every night.

How lucky I am to have searched for and found
The beginning of the rest of my life
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
And he loves me to sleep every night.

His goal for each day is to find some new way
To please me and to keep me satisfied
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
And he loves me to sleep every night.

His love is too strong to let me be wrong
Even when we both know I'm to blame
When trouble and hard times are raining
His love soaks up my share of the rain.

He never complains and I've only seen
Love in his baby blue eyes
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
And he loves me to sleep every night.

He wakes me with a kiss every morning
And he loves me to sleep every night...

Mirror lyrics:

And he loves me to sleep every night...
He wakes me with a kiss every morning

And he loves me to sleep every night.
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
Love in his baby blue eyes
He never complains and I've only seen

His love soaks up my share of the rain.
When trouble and hard times are raining
Even when we both know I'm to blame
His love is too strong to let me be wrong

And he loves me to sleep every night.
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
To please me and to keep me satisfied
His goal for each day is to find some new way

And he loves me to sleep every night.
He wakes me with a kiss every morning
The beginning of the rest of my life
How lucky I am to have searched for and found

And he loves me to sleep every night.
He wakes me with a kiss every morning

(Dallas Frazier - Arthur Leo Owens)

Relevant Tags:
HHe WWakes MMe WWith AA KKiss EEvery MMorning e akes e ith iss very orning eH aWkes eM iWth A iKss vEery oMrning
je aakes je aith z liss svery jorning jHe aWakes jMe aWith zA lKiss sEvery jMorning Hje Waakes Mje Waith Az Kliss Esvery Mjorning
ue 3akes ke 3ith q oiss 3very korning uHe 3Wakes kMe 3With qA oKiss 3Every kMorning Hue W3akes Mke W3ith Aq Koiss E3very Mkorning
ne dakes ne dith s miss fvery norning nHe dWakes nMe dWith sA mKiss fEvery nMorning Hne Wdakes Mne Wdith As Kmiss Efvery Mnorning
be eakes Mee eith w jiss rvery Moorning bHe eWakes M eWith wA jKiss rEvery Mrning Hbe Weakes Me Weith Aw Kjiss Ervery Mroning
ge sakes Ms sith x iiss 4very Mkrning gHe sWakes Mse sWith xA iKiss 4Every Hge Wsakes Mes Wsith Ax Kiiss E4very Mokrning
ye 2akes M3 2ith dvery M9rning yHe 2Wakes M3e 2With Kss dEvery M9orning Hye W2akes Me3 W2ith Ksis Edvery Mo9rning
Hee qakes Mf qith Kjss wvery M0rning H qWakes Mfe qWith wEvery M0orning He Wqakes Mef Wqith Kijss Ewvery Mo0rning
Hs Mr Wiith K9ss Evvery Mlrning Hse Wkes Mre Wth K9iss Eery Mlorning Hes Wkaes Mer Wtih Ki9ss Eevry Molrning
H3 Wzkes M4 Wjth Klss Ebery Mirning H3e Wzakes M4e Wjith Ebvery Miorning He3 Wazkes Me4 Wijth Kilss Evbery Moirning
Hf Wqkes Md W9th Koss Ecery Morrning Hfe Mde W9ith Ecvery Moning Hef Waqkes Med Wi9th Kioss Evcery Monring
Hr Wskes Mw Wlth Kkss Egery Modning Hre Mwe Wlith Kkiss Egvery Modrning Her Waskes Mew Wilth Kikss Evgery Mordning
H4 Wwkes Woth K8ss Efery Mo4ning H4e Wwakes Woith K8iss Mo4rning He4 Wawkes Wioth Ki8ss Evfery Mor4ning
Hd Wxkes Wkth Kuss Eveery Mogning Hde Wxakes Wkith Kuiss Evry Mogrning Hed Waxkes Wikth Kiuss Evrey Morgning
Hw Wakkes W8th Kisss Evsry Motning Hwe Waes W8ith Kis Evsery Motrning Hew Waeks Wi8th Kiss Evesry Mortning
Wales Wuth Kizs Ev3ry Mo5ning Walkes Wuith Kizss Ev3ery Mo5rning Wakles Wiuth Kiszs Eve3ry Mor5ning
Waoes Witth Kiws Evfry Mofning Waokes Wih Kiwss Mofrning Wakoes Wiht Kisws Evefry Morfning
Wames Wifh Kids Evrry Moening Wamkes Wifth Kidss Evrery Moerning Wakmes Witfh Kisds Everry Morening
Wajes Wi5h Kies Ev4ry Mornning Wajkes Wi5th Kiess Ev4ery Moring Wakjes Wit5h Kises Eve4ry Morinng
Waies Wihh Kixs Evdry Morming Waikes Wihth Kixss Evdery Mormning Wakies Withh Kisxs Evedry Mornming
Wakees Wiyh Kias Evwry Morhing Waks Wiyth Kiass Evwery Morhning

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