Skankin' Pickle
Warch Your Tone

It's not what you say
that makes or breaks
But how you say it
that saves the converstaion you're now involved in
Welcome to our house
where it's all so very simple
Watch your tone, your tone
Watch your tone, it'll do you in
Watch your tone, it'll clue them in
Watch your tone, your tone
Watch your tone let the mess begin!

Mirror lyrics:

Watch your tone let the mess begin!
Watch your tone, your tone
Watch your tone, it'll clue them in
Watch your tone, it'll do you in
Watch your tone, your tone
where it's all so very simple
Welcome to our house
that saves the converstaion you're now involved in
But how you say it
that makes or breaks
It's not what you say

Relevant Tags:
WWarch YYour TTone arch our one aWrch oYur oTne aarch gour fone aWarch gYour fTone Waarch Ygour Tfone 3arch hour 5one
3Warch hYour 5Tone W3arch Yhour T5one darch 6our hone dWarch 6Your hTone Wdarch Y6our Thone earch uour yone eWarch uYour yTone
Wearch Yuour Tyone sarch 7our 6one sWarch 7Your 6Tone Wsarch Y7our T6one 2arch jour gone 2Warch jYour gTone W2arch Yjour Tgone
qarch tour rone qWarch tYour rTone Wqarch Ytour Trone Yoour Toone Wrch Yur Tne Wrach Yuor Tnoe Wzrch Ykur Tkne
Wzarch Ykour Tkone Wazrch Yokur Tokne Wqrch Y9ur T9ne Y9our T9one Waqrch Yo9ur To9ne Wsrch Y0ur T0ne Y0our T0one
Wasrch Yo0ur To0ne Wwrch Ylur Tlne Wwarch Ylour Tlone Wawrch Yolur Tolne Wxrch Yiur Tine Wxarch Yiour Tione Waxrch Yoiur Toine
Warrch Youur Tonne Wach Yor Toe Wacrh Yoru Toen Wadch Yohr Tome Wadrch Yohur Tomne Wardch Youhr Tonme Wa4ch Yo7r Tohe

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