Skankin' Pickle
I Missed The Bus

I get at 5 o'clock to go to work at 9 o'clock.
It takes me an hour to stick my hair up but why?
Why do I always miss the bus?

I missed the bus. I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

Now why'd you miss the bus? I dunno.
We're you up late last night? I guess so.
And were you watching TV? Uh huh.
What kinda of TV. Magnumbox. Well that's no excuse.
For what? For missing the bus.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

My boss said to me "You know you're gunna rot in your own toenail pus.
Why do you always miss the bus?"

I missed the bus again. I missed the buss. I missed the bus again.

So there I am watching the bus leave me.
I can't believe I missed the bus today.
I have a bus pass that I have not used yet.
Because I always miss the bus.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

Now why'd you miss the bus? I dunno.
We're you up late last night? I guess so.
And were you watching TV? Uh huh.
Bet you're watching three's company. YEAAAH!
Cause I love three's company. I love three's company.
I love three's company. But that's no excuse for missing the bus.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

My boss said to me "You know you're gunna rot in your own toenail pus.
Why do you always miss the bus?"

I missed the buss. And I had no excuse.
I missed the buss. And there was nothing I could do.
I missed the bus. There is goes, driving away.
I missed the bus. And there was nothing I could say.
I missed the buss. I missed the bus again
I missed the bus... oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

I missed the bus... oh yeah
I missed the buss. I missed the bus again
I missed the bus. And there was nothing I could say.
I missed the bus. There is goes, driving away.
I missed the buss. And there was nothing I could do.
I missed the buss. And I had no excuse.

Why do you always miss the bus?"
My boss said to me "You know you're gunna rot in your own toenail pus.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

I love three's company. But that's no excuse for missing the bus.
Cause I love three's company. I love three's company.
Bet you're watching three's company. YEAAAH!
And were you watching TV? Uh huh.
We're you up late last night? I guess so.
Now why'd you miss the bus? I dunno.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

Because I always miss the bus.
I have a bus pass that I have not used yet.
I can't believe I missed the bus today.
So there I am watching the bus leave me.

I missed the bus again. I missed the buss. I missed the bus again.

Why do you always miss the bus?"
My boss said to me "You know you're gunna rot in your own toenail pus.

I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

For what? For missing the bus.
What kinda of TV. Magnumbox. Well that's no excuse.
And were you watching TV? Uh huh.
We're you up late last night? I guess so.
Now why'd you miss the bus? I dunno.

I missed the bus. I missed the bus again. I missed the bus. I missed the bus again.

Why do I always miss the bus?
It takes me an hour to stick my hair up but why?
I get at 5 o'clock to go to work at 9 o'clock.

Relevant Tags:
II MMissed TThe BBus issed he us I iMssed hTe uBs j jissed fhe vus jI jMissed fThe vBus Ij Mjissed Tfhe Bvus 9 kissed 5he gus
9I kMissed 5The gBus I9 Mkissed T5he Bgus l nissed hhe nus lI nMissed hThe nBus Il Mnissed Thhe Bnus o Miissed yhe hus oI Mssed yThe hBus
Io Msised Tyhe Bhus k Mjssed 6he Buus kI 6The Bs Ik Mijssed T6he Bsu 8 M9ssed ghe Bhs 8I M9issed gThe I8 Mi9ssed Tghe Buhs
u Mlssed rhe B7s uI Mlissed rThe B7us Iu Milssed Trhe Bu7s Mossed Bks Moissed Te Bkus Miossed Teh Buks Mkssed Tje Bis
Tjhe Bius Mikssed Thje Buis M8ssed Tue B8s M8issed Tuhe B8us Mi8ssed Thue Bu8s Mussed Tne Bjs Muissed Tnhe Bjus
Miussed Thne Bujs Misssed Tbe Bys Mised Tbhe Byus Missed Thbe Buys Mizsed Tge Buss Mizssed Bu Miszsed Thge Bus
Miwsed Tye Buz Miwssed Buzs Miswsed Thye Busz Midsed Thee Buw Midssed Th Buws Misdsed The Busw Miesed Ths Bud
Miessed Thse Buds Misesed Thes Busd Mixsed Th3 Bue

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