Skeeter Davis
Cloudy With Occasional Tears

(Arthur Brooks - Kenny Karen)

The sky isn't blue since you're gone, I am
And the forecast is sad but so clear
Now lonely nights are few and lots of missing you
All cloudy with occasional tears.

I let you go free, what a fool, I am
And now I just wish you were here
To brighten up my day 'cause since you've been away
It's been cloudy with occasional tears.

Raindrops, teardrops
I can't tell the difference anymore.

The weather's not really that bad, I am
Only you can make the clouds disappear
But till the day you do my skies are only blue
And it's cloudy with occasional tears.

--- Instrumental ---

I let you go free, what a fool, I am
You knew I wish you were here
Now lonely nights are few and lots of missing you
All cloudy with occasional tears...

Mirror lyrics:

All cloudy with occasional tears...
Now lonely nights are few and lots of missing you
You knew I wish you were here
I let you go free, what a fool, I am

--- Instrumental ---

And it's cloudy with occasional tears.
But till the day you do my skies are only blue
Only you can make the clouds disappear
The weather's not really that bad, I am

I can't tell the difference anymore.
Raindrops, teardrops

It's been cloudy with occasional tears.
To brighten up my day 'cause since you've been away
And now I just wish you were here
I let you go free, what a fool, I am

All cloudy with occasional tears.
Now lonely nights are few and lots of missing you
And the forecast is sad but so clear
The sky isn't blue since you're gone, I am

(Arthur Brooks - Kenny Karen)

Relevant Tags:
CCloudy WWith OOccasional TTears loudy ith ccasional ears lCoudy iWth cOcasional eTars floudy aith kccasional fears fCloudy aWith kOccasional fTears
Cfloudy Waith Okccasional Tfears xloudy 3ith 9ccasional 5ears xCloudy 3With 9Occasional 5Tears Cxloudy W3ith O9ccasional T5ears vloudy dith 0ccasional hears
vCloudy dWith 0Occasional hTears Cvloudy Wdith O0ccasional Thears dloudy eith lccasional years dCloudy eWith lOccasional yTears Cdloudy Weith Olccasional Tyears
Clloudy sith iccasional 6ears Coudy sWith iOccasional 6Tears Coludy Wsith Oiccasional T6ears Ckoudy 2ith Occcasional gears Ckloudy 2With Ocasional gTears
Clkoudy W2ith Occasional Tgears Cooudy qith Ofcasional rears Coloudy qWith Ofccasional rTears Clooudy Wqith Ocfcasional Trears Cpoudy Wiith Oxcasional Teears
Cploudy Wth Oxccasional Tars Clpoudy Wtih Ocxcasional Taers Wjth Ovcasional Tsars Cludy Wjith Ovccasional Tsears Cluody Wijth Ocvcasional Tesars
Clkudy W9th Odcasional T3ars W9ith Odccasional T3ears Clokudy Wi9th Ocdcasional Te3ars Cl9udy Wlth Tfars Cl9oudy Wlith
Clo9udy Wilth Ocacsional Tefars Cl0udy Woth Ocfasional Trars Cl0oudy Woith Clo0udy Wioth Occfasional Terars Clludy Wkth Ocxasional T4ars
Wkith T4ears Cloludy Wikth Occxasional Te4ars Cliudy W8th Ocvasional Tdars Clioudy W8ith Tdears Cloiudy Wi8th Occvasional Tedars
Clouudy Wuth Ocdasional Twars Clody Wuith Twears Cloduy Wiuth Occdasional Tewars Clohdy Witth Occaasional Teaars Clohudy Wih Occsional Ters
Clouhdy Wiht Occsaional Teras Clo7dy Wifh Occzsional Tezrs Clo7udy Wifth Occzasional Tezars Clou7dy Witfh Occazsional Teazrs Clokdy Wi5h Occqsional Teqrs
Wi5th Occqasional Teqars Cloukdy Wit5h Occaqsional Teaqrs Cloidy Wihh Occssional Tesrs Wihth Occsasional Clouidy Withh Occassional Teasrs
Clo8dy Wiyh Occwsional Tewrs Clo8udy Wiyth Occwasional Clou8dy Wityh Occawsional Teawrs Clojdy Wi6h Occxsional Texrs Clojudy Wi6th Texars
Cloujdy Wit6h Occaxsional Teaxrs Cloydy Wigh Tearrs Cloyudy Wigth Occaional Teas Clouydy Witgh Occaisonal Teasr Clouddy Wirh Occazional Teads
Clouy Wirth Teadrs Clouyd Witrh Occaszional Teards Clouxy Occawional Tea4s Clouxdy Wit Tea4rs Cloudxy With Occaswional Tear4s
Clouey Witj Occadional Teags Clouedy Witjh Occadsional Teagrs Cloudey Withj Occasdional Teargs

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