Structure Divine

Cause I can't find pleasure anywhere,this life is strangling
me if I would turn myself inside out would I find peace of
mind,would I find peace of mind? And when the silence
remains And all the fields stays the same It isn't different
from the power that it holds Now,where is the pain?,As I
gaze between my desires There's a shadow and a bleeder
every once in a while,Can't you see my eyes they're
trembling Beware the millions of senses locked in this rusty
cage,a fanatic rage this time I will stand still and no blood
will be spilled

[Chorus x 4]
Yeah,I think I'm loosing it [x2], - back to normal a feast on the
moral,served on a silver plate...[Repeat]

And when the silence remains And all the fields stays the
same It isn't different from the power that it holds Now,
where is my pain? A big hail to my sadistic pleasures They
saved my soul for a special price As I begin to fade, the
creature cries So I'm heading for another one that will
watch me raise my bloodstained banner No questions asked,
No question asked


A competition that will last until the silent one will speak So
this is it,is this the century sun? Mother of destruction,
please let me be the one to know Father of my pure
aggression,don't cut the way where I will go

Mirror lyrics:

aggression,don't cut the way where I will go
please let me be the one to know Father of my pure
this is it,is this the century sun? Mother of destruction,
A competition that will last until the silent one will speak So


No question asked
watch me raise my bloodstained banner No questions asked,
creature cries So I'm heading for another one that will
saved my soul for a special price As I begin to fade, the
where is my pain? A big hail to my sadistic pleasures They
same It isn't different from the power that it holds Now,
And when the silence remains And all the fields stays the

moral,served on a silver plate...[Repeat]
Yeah,I think I'm loosing it [x2], - back to normal a feast on the
[Chorus x 4]

will be spilled
cage,a fanatic rage this time I will stand still and no blood
trembling Beware the millions of senses locked in this rusty
every once in a while,Can't you see my eyes they're
gaze between my desires There's a shadow and a bleeder
from the power that it holds Now,where is the pain?,As I
remains And all the fields stays the same It isn't different
mind,would I find peace of mind? And when the silence
me if I would turn myself inside out would I find peace of
Cause I can't find pleasure anywhere,this life is strangling

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SStructure DDivine tructure ivine tSructure iDvine ztructure xivine zStructure xDivine Sztructure Dxivine wtructure eivine
wStructure eDivine Swtructure Deivine dtructure fivine dStructure fDivine Sdtructure Dfivine etructure rivine eStructure rDivine
Setructure Drivine xtructure civine xStructure cDivine Sxtructure Dcivine atructure sivine aStructure sDivine Satructure Dsivine
Sttructure Diivine Sructure Dvine Srtucture Dviine Sfructure Djvine Sftructure Djivine Stfructure Dijvine S5ructure D9vine
S5tructure D9ivine St5ructure Di9vine Shructure Dlvine Shtructure Dlivine Sthructure Dilvine Syructure Dovine Sytructure Doivine
Styructure Diovine S6ructure Dkvine S6tructure Dkivine St6ructure Dikvine Sgructure D8vine Sgtructure D8ivine Stgructure Di8vine
Srructure Duvine Srtructure Duivine Strructure Diuvine Divvine Stucture Diine Sturcture Diivne Stducture Dibine
Stdructure Dibvine Strducture Divbine St4ucture Dicine St4ructure Dicvine Str4ucture Divcine Stgucture Digine Digvine
Strgucture Divgine Sttucture Difine Difvine Strtucture Divfine St5ucture Diviine Divne Str5ucture Divnie
Stfucture Divjne Divjine Strfucture Divijne Steucture Div9ne Steructure Div9ine Streucture Divi9ne Struucture Divlne
Strcture Divline Strcuture Divilne Strhcture Divone Strhucture Divoine Struhcture Divione Str7cture Divkne Str7ucture Divkine
Stru7cture Divikne Strkcture Div8ne Strkucture Div8ine Strukcture Divi8ne Stricture Divune Striucture Divuine Struicture Diviune
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