Spirits Of The Future Sun

Total oblivion of my inner past. Will i ever be the same again
Landscapes of treasures before my eyes
Now its over forget the past

Spirits...of the...future sun
Spirits of the future sun!!

Legal lies and desperate cries I cannot see
I'm on my own self destructive and the anguish of youth
Futures rising in your mind!

[Repeat Chorus]
Your spirits wait for me in vain! I won't fall!

Sun burns red on the innocent child
Twisted rules by incommon souls computerized
Pathetic lies the lights are out... Here comes the war!

[Repeat Chorus]
Your spirits wait for me in vain! i wont fall! [x2]

[Repeat First Verse]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat First Verse]

Your spirits wait for me in vain! i wont fall! [x2]
[Repeat Chorus]

Pathetic lies the lights are out... Here comes the war!
Twisted rules by incommon souls computerized
Sun burns red on the innocent child

Your spirits wait for me in vain! I won't fall!
[Repeat Chorus]

Futures rising in your mind!
I'm on my own self destructive and the anguish of youth
Legal lies and desperate cries I cannot see

Spirits of the future sun!!
Spirits...of the...future sun

Now its over forget the past
Landscapes of treasures before my eyes
Total oblivion of my inner past. Will i ever be the same again

Relevant Tags:
SSpirits OOf TThe FFuture SSun pirits f he uture un pSirits fO hTe uFture uSn zpirits kf fhe cuture zun zSpirits kOf fThe cFuture zSun
Szpirits Okf Tfhe Fcuture Szun wpirits 9f 5he ruture wun wSpirits 9Of 5The rFuture wSun Swpirits O9f T5he Fruture Swun dpirits 0f hhe guture dun
dSpirits 0Of hThe gFuture dSun Sdpirits O0f Thhe Fguture Sdun epirits lf yhe tuture eun eSpirits lOf yThe tFuture eSun Sepirits Olf Tyhe Ftuture Seun
xpirits if 6he vuture xun xSpirits iOf 6The vFuture xSun Sxpirits Oif T6he Fvuture Sxun apirits Off ghe duture aun aSpirits O gThe dFuture aSun
Sapirits Of Tghe Fduture Saun Sppirits Oc rhe Fuuture Suun Sirits Ocf rThe Fture Sn Siprits Ofc Trhe Ftuure Snu S0irits Or Fhture Shn
S0pirits Orf Te Fhuture Shun Sp0irits Ofr Teh Fuhture Suhn Slirits Og Tje F7ture S7n Slpirits Ogf Tjhe F7uture S7un Splirits Ofg Thje Fu7ture Su7n
Soirits Ot Tue Fkture Skn Sopirits Otf Tuhe Fkuture Skun Spoirits Oft Thue Fukture Sukn Spiirits Ov Tne Fiture Sin Sprits Ovf Tnhe Fiuture Siun
Spriits Ofv Thne Fuiture Suin Spjrits Od Tbe F8ture S8n Spjirits Odf Tbhe F8uture S8un Spijrits Ofd Thbe Fu8ture Su8n Sp9rits Tge Fjture Sjn
Sp9irits Fjuture Sjun Spi9rits Thge Fujture Sujn Splrits Tye Fyture Syn Fyuture Syun Spilrits Thye Fuyture Suyn
Sporits Thee Futture Sunn Th Fuure Su Spiorits The Fuutre Sun Spkrits Ths Fufure Sum Spkirits Thse Fufture Sumn
Spikrits Thes Futfure Sunm Sp8rits Th3 Fu5ure Suh Sp8irits Th3e Fu5ture Spi8rits The3 Fut5ure Sunh Spurits Thf Fuhure Suj
Spuirits Thfe Spiurits Thef Futhure Sunj Spirrits Thr Fuyure Sub Spiits Thre Subn Spiirts Ther Futyure Sunb
Spidits Th4 Fu6ure Spidrits Th4e Fu6ture Spirdits The4 Fut6ure Spi4its Thd Fugure Spi4rits Thde Fugture
Spir4its Thed Futgure Spigits Thw Furure Spigrits Thwe Furture Spirgits Thew Futrure Spitits Futuure
Spitrits Futre Spirtits Futrue Spi5its Futhre Spi5rits

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