Shadow Child

I lick the surface of a freedom ride Under a hammering
light....I scream!!! Let's roll the dice of the future,burning
in my hand,I've built destruciton upon the velvet skies
Maybe I'm strong,maybe I'm wrong

Lead us,Shadowchild - soiled be your faith in disguise
Shadowside - reflecting the eyes

I'm raising hell,a magic spell Pain and pleasure
together as one,I will recall,I will recall When I'm
down the stairs....I spit human cries,I can feel when
they lie My sun being one with the...universe Hear my

Creating my crown from the millions of lights I'm
abused beyond recognition Pre-Millenium futuristic I
predict you all to live Under an individual sun We're all
collecting our senses and run...

Lead us,Shadowchild - soiled be your faith in disguise,
Shadowside - reflecting the eyes,Lead us,Shadowchild
- the truth's lying far from your life,Shadowside -
reflecting the eyes...

Mirror lyrics:

reflecting the eyes...
- the truth's lying far from your life,Shadowside -
Shadowside - reflecting the eyes,Lead us,Shadowchild
Lead us,Shadowchild - soiled be your faith in disguise,

collecting our senses and run...
predict you all to live Under an individual sun We're all
abused beyond recognition Pre-Millenium futuristic I
Creating my crown from the millions of lights I'm

they lie My sun being one with the...universe Hear my
down the stairs....I spit human cries,I can feel when
together as one,I will recall,I will recall When I'm
I'm raising hell,a magic spell Pain and pleasure

Shadowside - reflecting the eyes
Lead us,Shadowchild - soiled be your faith in disguise

Maybe I'm strong,maybe I'm wrong
in my hand,I've built destruciton upon the velvet skies
light....I scream!!! Let's roll the dice of the future,burning
I lick the surface of a freedom ride Under a hammering

Relevant Tags:
SShadow CChild hadow hild hSadow hCild zhadow fhild zShadow fChild Szhadow Cfhild whadow xhild wShadow xChild Swhadow Cxhild
dhadow vhild dShadow vChild Sdhadow Cvhild ehadow dhild eShadow dChild Sehadow Cdhild xhadow Chhild xShadow Cild Sxhadow Cihld
ahadow Cjild aShadow Cjhild Sahadow Chjild Shhadow Cuild Sadow Cuhild Sahdow Chuild Sjadow Cnild Sjhadow Cnhild Shjadow Chnild
Suadow Cbild Suhadow Cbhild Shuadow Chbild Snadow Cgild Snhadow Cghild Shnadow Chgild Sbadow Cyild Sbhadow Cyhild Shbadow Chyild
Sgadow Chiild Sghadow Chld Shgadow Chlid Syadow Chjld Syhadow Shyadow Chijld Shaadow Ch9ld Shdow Ch9ild Shdaow Chi9ld
Shzdow Chlld Shzadow Chlild Shazdow Chilld Shqdow Chold Shqadow Choild Shaqdow Chiold Shsdow Chkld Shsadow Chkild Shasdow Chikld
Shwdow Ch8ld Shwadow Ch8ild Shawdow Chi8ld Shxdow Chuld Shxadow Shaxdow Chiuld Shaddow

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