Two Skins

Good God
I've got your demon seed
Deep down inside of me
Two skins One man
Fits in One hand
God damn That man
And everything created by him

Ask why So high
Answer Yound die
Call scam His hands
And everything created by them

I'm your man
By your hands
I'm your man

So look on,
I've got your demon seed
Deep down inside of me
So thin Is this plan
Written in Your hand
Watch me fall My friend
As the bottom drops
from beneath me

I'm your man
By your plan
I'm your riotous sin

So look on,
I've got your demon seed
Deep down inside of me
So look on, Fool of a golden deed
Deep down inside of me
So look on, look on

Can you tell me more
Have you ever been down
this far before
Can you tell me more
Have you ever been down...

I'm two skins I'm one man
I fit in One hand
God damn That hand
And everything created within it

Mirror lyrics:

And everything created within it
God damn That hand
I fit in One hand
I'm two skins I'm one man

Have you ever been down...
Can you tell me more
this far before
Have you ever been down
Can you tell me more

So look on, look on
Deep down inside of me
So look on, Fool of a golden deed
Deep down inside of me
I've got your demon seed
So look on,

I'm your riotous sin
By your plan
I'm your man

from beneath me
As the bottom drops
Watch me fall My friend
Written in Your hand
So thin Is this plan
Deep down inside of me
I've got your demon seed
So look on,

I'm your man
By your hands
I'm your man

And everything created by them
Call scam His hands
Answer Yound die
Ask why So high

And everything created by him
God damn That man
Fits in One hand
Two skins One man
Deep down inside of me
I've got your demon seed
Good God

Relevant Tags:
TTwo SSkins wo kins wTo kSins fwo zkins fTwo zSkins Tfwo Szkins 5wo wkins 5Two wSkins T5wo Swkins hwo dkins hTwo dSkins
Thwo Sdkins ywo ekins yTwo eSkins Tywo Sekins 6wo xkins 6Two xSkins T6wo Sxkins gwo akins gTwo aSkins Tgwo Sakins rwo Skkins
rTwo Sins Trwo Sikns Twwo Slins To Slkins Tow Sklins Tao Soins Tawo Sokins Twao Skoins T3o Smins T3wo Smkins Tw3o Skmins
Tdo Sjins Tdwo Sjkins Twdo Skjins Teo Siins Tewo Sikins Tweo Skiins Tso Tswo Skns Twso Sknis T2o Skjns T2wo
Tw2o Skijns Tqo Sk9ns Tqwo Sk9ins

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