Soho Dolls
Trash The Rental

What's driving me,
Is driving you.
Born from the same
Race, from the same blue.
You try to resist,
You try to resist,
But i tell you, tell you, tell you, tell you,
You're gonna stay.

Can you give me a ride baby?
Come on...please?

Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
Don't be gentle.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.

What is you're name?
We want to know.
If you play our game,
You have to show.
Pull down all defences,
Pull down all defenses,
We'll take 'em, take 'em, take 'em, take 'em,
With our offences.

Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
Don't be gentle.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.

Mirror lyrics:

It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
Don't be gentle.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,

With our offences.
We'll take 'em, take 'em, take 'em, take 'em,
Pull down all defenses,
Pull down all defences,
You have to show.
If you play our game,
We want to know.
What is you're name?

It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
Don't be gentle.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,
It's just a rental.
Trash it, trash it,

Come on...please?
Can you give me a ride baby?

You're gonna stay.
But i tell you, tell you, tell you, tell you,
You try to resist,
You try to resist,
Race, from the same blue.
Born from the same
Is driving you.
What's driving me,

Relevant Tags:
TTrash TThe RRental rash he ental rTash hTe eRntal frash fhe dental fTrash fThe dRental Tfrash Tfhe Rdental 5rash 5he 4ental
5Trash 5The 4Rental T5rash T5he R4ental hrash hhe gental hTrash hThe gRental Thrash Thhe Rgental yrash yhe tental yTrash yThe tRental
Tyrash Tyhe Rtental 6rash 6he 5ental 6Trash 6The 5Rental T6rash T6he R5ental grash ghe fental gTrash gThe fRental Tgrash Tghe Rfental
rrash rhe eental rTrash rThe eRental Trrash Trhe Reental Tash Te Rntal Tarsh Teh Rnetal Tdash Tje Rsntal Tdrash Tjhe Rsental
Trdash Thje Resntal T4ash Tue R3ntal T4rash Tuhe R3ental Tr4ash Thue Re3ntal Tgash Tne Rfntal Tnhe Trgash Thne Refntal
Ttash Tbe Rrntal Ttrash Tbhe Rrental Trtash Thbe Rerntal T5ash Tge R4ntal Tr5ash Thge Re4ntal Tfash Tye Rdntal Trfash Thye Redntal
Teash Thee Rwntal Terash Th Rwental Treash The Rewntal Traash Ths Renntal Trsh Thse Retal Trsah Thes Retnal Trzsh Th3 Remtal
Trzash Th3e Remntal Trazsh The3 Renmtal Trqsh Thf Rehtal Trqash Thfe Rehntal

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