You And Only You

Your eyes are like poetry

Your lips are so sugary

You're all toether wonderful to behold

I never thought that I would hear

You say that I'm who you hold dear

More than anyone else

Or at least not in the same way

I've been thinking about you and only you

You are like the morning time

Full of promise yet to find

I'm dazzled every time I realize you're mine

I never thought that I would see

The day that you would come to me

And ask forgiveness

For the time we let go by

I've been thinking of you and only you

Did you find a four leaf clover

Did you hope that I'd come over

Here I am and I might never leave again

I never thought that I would be

So close to you that I could see

The way your hair goes wavy

When you wake up

Mirror lyrics:

When you wake up

The way your hair goes wavy

So close to you that I could see

I never thought that I would be

Here I am and I might never leave again

Did you hope that I'd come over

Did you find a four leaf clover

I've been thinking of you and only you

For the time we let go by

And ask forgiveness

The day that you would come to me

I never thought that I would see

I'm dazzled every time I realize you're mine

Full of promise yet to find

You are like the morning time

I've been thinking about you and only you

Or at least not in the same way

More than anyone else

You say that I'm who you hold dear

I never thought that I would hear

You're all toether wonderful to behold

Your lips are so sugary

Your eyes are like poetry

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAnd OOnly YYou ou nd nly ou oYu nAd nOly oYu gou znd knly gou gYou zAnd kOnly gYou Ygou Aznd Oknly Ygou hou qnd 9nly hou
hYou qAnd 9Only hYou Yhou Aqnd O9nly Yhou 6ou snd 0nly 6ou 6You sAnd 0Only 6You Y6ou Asnd O0nly Y6ou uou wnd lnly uou uYou wAnd lOnly uYou
Yuou Awnd Olnly Yuou 7ou xnd inly 7ou 7You xAnd iOnly 7You Y7ou Axnd Oinly Y7ou jou Annd Onnly jou jYou Ad Oly jYou Yjou Adn Olny Yjou
tou Amd Omly tou tYou Amnd Omnly tYou Ytou Anmd Onmly Ytou Yoou Ahd Ohly Yoou Yu Ahnd Ohnly Yu Yuo Anhd Onhly Yuo Yku Ajd Ojly Yku
Ykou Ajnd Ojnly Ykou Yoku Anjd Onjly Yoku Y9u Abd Obly Y9u Y9ou Abnd Obnly Y9ou Yo9u Anbd Onbly Yo9u Y0u Andd Onlly Y0u Y0ou An Ony Y0ou

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